
GLOBAL CALLOUT(Jan15/16) - to mark the first bombardment of this 20 year ongoing War on Iraq (SATURDAY D.C. Jan15 7pm, London midnight, *SUNDAY Jan16 Baghdad 3 a.m. Sydney 10am)

Simultaneous Vigils to mark the first bombardment of the now 20 year ongoing War on the People of Iraq
(SATURDAY Washington D.C. 7pm, London midnight, SUNDAY Baghdad 3 a.m., Sydney 10 a.m.)

Simultaneous Vigils to mark the first bombardment of the now 20 year ongoing War on the People of Iraq
(SATURDAY Washington D.C. 7pm, London midnight, SUNDAY Baghdad 3 a.m., Sydney 10 a.m.)

A dangerous sting for agriculture: climate change implicated in bee decline

The first in depth national study of wild bees in the US has established that several species have suffered a severe decline in population and range. Honey bees are important for commercial crop pollination of fruit, nut, vegetable and seed production in the United States, indeed globally.

Information overload, emotionally aroused brains and the practice of journalism.

Political scientist Markus Prior claims that “the share of politically uninformed people has risen since we entered the so-called information age”. Prior’s analysis is cited in What is Happening to News, a book authored by veteran newspaperman Jack Fuller, in which he tackles the current crisis in journalism. According to Fuller, journalism is important and is responsible for informing us about our world.

The Shortwave Report 01/07/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 7) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

Wikileaks: Garrett stood his ground on whaling compromise, Sea Shepherd tax status targeted

Cables released by wikileaks on January 1st, 2011 reveal Japan was pressuring the US Government to remove Sea Shepherd's tax exemption status as a sweetener to negotiating a compromise deal in the International Whaling Commission that would have reduced whale quotas but legitimated commercial whaling. The US Government and Japan were deeply involved in a compromise deal on whaling which would legitimate a commercial catch quota for Japan. Australia remained steadfast against any moves to legitimate whaling in the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary or Australian Antarctic Territory.

Related: Sea Shepherd on the wikileaks revelations

Happy New Kaputt Year mp3

collage, commentaries, and music

"earth cries" by karnage and darkness - Blak Traks 2010, North South East West by the, F**k this f**k that and Naturological by Futurehistrix, "You lied- the tangled web" by Yes Prime Minister

27:55 min 128 kbps stereo 25.6 MB

20th. anniversary "New Year's Message of Solidarity & Love" from the ANZUS Plowshares - 20 years on from our B52 disarmament......

1) ANZUS PLOWSHARES introduction, action/description
2) ANZUS PLOWSHARES/B52 Disarmament, Statement of Faith
3) Sue & Bill Frankel- Streit Reflections New Year’s Day 2011
4) Ciaron O’Reilly and Moana Cole Reflections New Year’s Day 2011
5) ANZUS Plowshare community member’s links
6) Youtube (15 mins) honouring the Plowshares communities of the last 30 years

Sea Shepherd locates whaling fleet before the slaughter

For the first time in seven years of campaigning in the southern ocean Sea Shepherd have been able to locate 2 harpoon vessels in the whaling fleet before whaling was able to begin.

The Sea Shepherd vessels Bob Barker located on New Year's Eve 2010 an unidentified harpoon vessel on the edge of the Antarctic ice at 148 degrees west. Shortly after the Sea Shepherd flagship, the Steve Irwin, found the Japanese harpoon vessel Yushin Maru #2 sitting in the ice some 60 miles to the north.

Update: Indybay IMC: Whaling stymied by Sea Shepherd: First clashes among the Antarctic ice | Video: Dancing with Death Machines at the Bottom of the World
Wikileaks: Garrett stood his ground on whaling compromise; Sea Shepherd tax status targeted
