
Two more milestones for Animal Rights Zone (ARZone)

Animal Rights Zone (ARZone), the international abolitionist animal rights social network, celebrates its first anniversary on 21st December 2010 - and has also just topped 1500 active members who take part in weekly global “chats,” write forum and blog entries, and post videos in order to highlight and discuss the pressing issues of the day in the animal advocacy movement.

How THEY plan to break Bradley Manning to get Julian Assange! How WE plan to stop THEM doing that!


1) 18 December 2010: A Typical Day for PFC Bradley Manning
2) State of Play (according to the English "Independent" newspaper
Sat. Dec. 18th) - "Assange begins mansion arrest but his 'source' feels
the heat".
3) "He's in There for Us, We're on the Loose for Him!"
- Solidarity,the only Way to Counter the Techniques fine-tuned at Guantanamo
& Abu Ghraib Unleashed on Manning!
4) What we can Do To Support the Nonviolent Resistance of Bradley Manning
5) Three Men Who May Spend the Rest of their Lives in Prison Because
of this War!

Choices and Options

Few of the people in my country, America, dispute the fact we live in a nation which savors freedoms and liberties. Often taken for granted, we have so many choices. We can converse with who we choose and when. We communicate online with whomever we wish barring few exceptions. We can send mail to almost anyone. We can hear from any and all political parties during presidential elections - that is given they're Democrat or Republican.

What can we do to support the non-violent resistance of Bradley Manning?

Tell others who Bradley is, why he is being detained and tortured. He is being detained and tortured because of this clip. Cut and paste it with the Bradley Manning support website and his prison address....
- Scrawl "Free Bradley Manning on a wall.

- Hold a vigil, pray for him out loud at your church, speak about him out loud on street corners or on campus, hold a meeting. show the leaked clip (above), spread the word via your networks, make links
with other whistleblowers


"Julian Assange released from custody, Bradley Manning buried alive" - some reflections on the day by Ciaron O'Reilly

At about 6pm Thursday December 16th., Julian Assange emerged from Britain's HIgh Court on the Strand, London. He had finally been released on bail after nine days in solitary confinement at Wandsworth Prison. Harsher bail conditions were added by the High Court than were imposed days earlier at the Westminister Magistrates Court.

Assange stated,

"There is an ongoing attempt by the US to extradite me to the US and that extradition is much more likely to occur if I am already in Sweden."

The Shortwave Report 12/17/10, listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (December 17) is up at the website  in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
   (NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

     This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Netherlands, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

International 24hrs of action for Tasmania’s ancient forests

December 14th/15th 2010, saw the biggest show of support for Tasmania’s ancient forests in history. In just over 24 hours, there were banner actions and film screenings in Tanzania, Reunion Island, Japan, Vanuatu, Thailand, India, France, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, England, Wales, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Ireland, Scotland, Ecuador and the United States of America.

YOUTUBE (5 mins 45 secs) Armed police arrive for "Australians in London for the release of Julian Assange" occupy the Australian embassy

YOUTUBE (5 mins 45 secs) Armed Police Arrive for "Australians in London for the Release of Julian Assange" who occupy the Australian Embassy, delivering a letter of demands!. Australian academics, artists, health workers, anti-war activists, expats & Catholic Workers gather at the Australian Embassy demanding the immediate release of Julian Assange.

1. YOUTUBE (5 mins 45 secs) Armed Police Arrive for "Australians in London for the Release of Julian Assange" Occupy the Australian Embassy.

Armed police called to Australian embassy in London as Australian protesters occupy foyer demanding the release of Julian Assange

On Monday 13th December at 5 pm, concerned Australian academics, artists, activists and expats occupied the foyer of the Australian Embassy on The Strand, London. They refused instruction by embassy security to vacate the building reading aloud a letter of demands addressed to the Australian High Commissioner.

Related: Video of protest