
Press statement by youth group in Tahrir Square

This statement was released at a Press Conference in El-Shorook Newspaper Headquarters on the 6th of February in Cairio by a group calling themselves the 'coalition of youths of the wrath revolution:

Fellow great Egyptian citizens ... We are your daughters, your brothers and sisters who are protesting in Tahrir square and other squares of Egypt, promise you not to go back to our homes until the demands of your great revolution are realized.


Unions organising international Day of Action for Democracy in Egypt

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC CSI IGB) has passed a statement in support of the pro-democracy protests in Egypt, and called for trade unions around the world to join a Day of Action for Democracy in Egypt on 8 February.

300 in warm-up for protest against delivery of nuclear waste to out-of-sight out-of-mind north German dump

[The same story with links to background]

By Diet Simon, adapting a media release.

The Northeast German Anti-Nuclear Alliance has started protests against imminent delivery of nuclear waste to an out-of-sight out-of-mind dump at the seaside resort Lubmin with a mobilisation demonstration in the Baltic port city Rostock on Saturday 5 February.

KEFAYA! Walk like an Egyptian!


“Cleopatra's Egypt was modern in ancient times and Mubarak's was ancient in modern time” - Maureen Dowd.

"...the regime that Western leaders have lauded for decades as a beacon of moderation has unleashed its salaried, plain-clothes security personnel to loot its own

cities, set fire to its streets, and attack unarmed protesters with Molotov cocktails, knives, U.S.-supplied tear gas canisters, and live ammunition." - Asli Bali and

Aziz Rana [ ]


Women For Wikipedia

Date and Time: 
Mon, 07/02/2011 -
8:00pm to 9:00pm
Contact Name: 
Rosie Williams
Contact Email:

Collective Action is running a campaign to increase womens' contributions to Wikipedia from 13% to something more equitable. Each Monday from 8pm AEST, we'll be hosting a Twitter chat using the hashtag #women4wikipedia

If you want to learn more about how to contribute to Wikipedia or share your contributions please post to this hashtag or join us for the chat.

Vodaphone collaborates with Mubarak regime

The British mobile phone multi-national has collaborated with the Mubarak regime by sending out millions of texts via its network to Egyptians calling for support for the regime and inciting violence against peaceful protestors. The messages have included this one "The Armed Forces asks Egypt's honest and loyal men to confront the traitors and criminals" which is sinister in the context of the violent killings and assaults of protestors seen in Egypt in the last few days.


F4-Australians return to the London OZ High Commission to demand OZ government "lifts its game" in relation to defending the civil liberties of OZ citizen Julian Assange!

* Please forward this post to those who may be interested, post on internet and facebook!

**If you know any Australians based in UK, ask them if they would like to sign the letter beow to be delivered to the HIgh Commissioner on Friday.
Ciaron O'Reilly

More Information
Phone/ Text 079 392 90576
(outside UK) +44 79 392 90576
Email: releasejulianassange AT

LONDON - FRIDAY Feb 4th. *4.30pm-6.30pm

*Free Julian Assange Vigil, Speak & Sing Out at the Australian Embassy, The Strand.

The Shortwave Report 02/04/11 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (February 4) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and The Voice of Russia.