
Stop Qaddafi


The Arab League has just formally proposed a resolution at the UN Security Council to create a no-fly zone over Libya. After weeks of international deadlock, this is the moment of truth -- and if we don't persuade the UN to act now, we could see in Libya one of the worst bloodbaths of our new century.

Qaddafi's forces are crushing the rebellion town by town. If they retake the country, brutal retribution awaits Libyans who challenged the regime. Already, reports of torture and killing are flowing from retaken areas.

Japan nuke crisis sparks rethink of nukes globally

“Fukushima is everywhere – We will get in the way,” says the yellow part, “Switch off all atomic installations worldwide,” says the red and white part. From a demo in Gorleben, a German nuclear waste dump.

The unfolding disaster of earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear meltdown in Japan has stirred up debate about the future of the nuclear industry while the Japanese government and pro nuclear advocates continue to minimise the situation. The nuclear situation is further intensifying the country's woes as thousands of bodies of tsunami and earthquake victims are being recovered.

Related stories: Fukushima radiation spreading worldwide | 250,000 in "biggest ever" anti-nuclear protests in Germany | German government looking to insure new quake-vulnerable Brazilian nuke | Germany temporarily switching off seven nukes, may rescind longer running times
| Nuclear suspension faces court challenge by power company RWE | Merkel aims to speed Germany's nuclear energy exit | Uranium - Our part in nuclear fire is fuel for thought | Indigenous communities getting dumped in it. Again. | Nuclear waste an ever-growing problem for the US | Battle-proof Wind Farms Survive Japan's Trial by Fire | Japanese wind farm owners have been asked to step up production to help cover energy shortages

Japan IMC: Fear Mushrooms in Japan as Nuclear Cataclysm Spreads | Truthout - Greg Palast on Tokyo Electric to Build US Nuclear Plants: The No BS Info on Japan's Disastrous Nuclear Operators | Indybay: Political Debate Unleashed in California by Devastation in Japan | Phillipines: Network Opposed to the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant | Linksunten IMC (Germany): Wave of anti-nuclear protest after reactor accidents in Japan |Helen Caldicott offers dire warnings


Freedom now for Simos Seisidis - international call for solidarity



On the 30/3/2011 the trial for the case of “the robbers in black” will take place in the first degree, regarding the January 2006 National bank robbery on Solonos st., central Athens, and six more bank robberies. It is the same case for which Yiannis Dimitrakis was finally sentenced, in the second degree, to 12,5 years of imprisonment. This time Simos Seisidis, who had been a fugitive for 4,5 years, is in the place of the accused.

Sunday March 20 - Callout for Solidarity with Bradley Manning - Quantico! London! Australia?

Brad's in there for us, We're on the loose for him!

On Sunday March 20th. - around the anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq - anti-war activists will be going to Quantico U.S. Marine Base, Virginia, U.S.A. to demand the end to the torture of Bradley Manning. In London, we will be heading to the U.S.Embassy!
***Footage from the January 17th., the last time anti-war folks went to Quantico

LINK - Bradley Manning's recent letter from his cell in Quantico regarding his treatment and conditions

Current Affairs Lite mp3

We Are Family Kaputt-Remix, a sample of the Now Show, Charlie Broker versus Colonel Gaddafi, more media mash, Tony Abbott by Clarke n Dawe, Nimbin bashing

music by Sister Sledge, and Supahempadoxical

29:00 mins 128 kbps stereo 26.6 MB

43 million refugees, a billion in abject poverty, the facts on asylum seekers & refugees and Australia's shameful record.

by Gerry Georgatos
At least 43 million people displaced. At least 16 million refugees. Only 800,000 Asylum Seeker applications per year. Millions have not been counted. Millions are trapped. If you are a Hazara in Quetta, Pakistan there is are no holding camps, no UNHCR, no queues. My sister-in-law is of refugee-origin, Vietnamese, having arrived as a baby on a 'boat' in 1980. Afghanis, Tamils, Iraqis, Iranians are fleeing civil strife, persecution, war. Let us not forget anyone. Let us embrace the ideal of helping out one another.


WEST PAPUA: Police probe stabbing of Jakarta Globe journalist investigating police sex crimes

JAYAPURA (Joyo/Agence France-Presse//Pacific Media Watch): An Indonesian journalist who was treated in hospital last Thursday after being stabbed in the stomach and chest had covered a police sex scandal, police and activists said.

Banjir Ambarita, a reporter for the English-language daily The Jakarta Globe and the news portal Vivanews, was ambushed by two men on a motorcycle in the easternmost Papua province, said Lt. Col. Wachjono, a police provincial spokesman.

He promised the case would be investigated.

International Women's Day in the Philippines

Today, women in the Philippines and all over the world gather in different places and spaces to show our collective strength and make our collective voice heard as we speak out our sufferings, challenges, triumphs and aspirations.

Filipino workers criticize shortcomings of EDSA (1)

The Partido ng Manggagawa (PM - Labor Party - Philippines) criticized the shortcomings of EDSA 1 as the government commemorates the 25th anniversary of the first people power uprising. “The people power uprising of 1986 turns silver today but it shines no more. That is because the social deficit outweighs the political benefits of simple political turnover between factions of the elite, which is the main achievement of the post-EDSA dispensation,” declared Renato Magtubo, PM chair.

10th of March: Worldwide solidarity action day with the 300 hunger strikers immigrants-workers in Greece


10th of March: Worldwide solidarity action day with the 300 hunger strikers immigrants-workers in Greece

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