
WGAR News: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination / Harmony Day - 21 Mar 11

Newsletter date: 23 Mar 2011

* International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination / Harmony Day - 21 March 2011
* Nuclear waste legislation must wait until objections heard in Federal Court
* Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump
* Opposition leader, Tony Abbott, calls for new Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* More on the blockade by Lake Tyers Aboriginal women
* Background to blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers

Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! No Intervention!

No to imperialist intervention in the Libya! Saudi, UAE troops out of Bahrain!
Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! End imperialist wars in Iraq, Afghanistan!

On March 17, 2011, the UN Security Council passed a resolution authorising military intervention by the Western imperialist powers or their puppets in Libya. The justification for this is to prevent further loss of life in fighting between forces remaining loyal Muammar Gaddafi and forces supporting the uprising that began on February 15 against his 42-year-old rule, and to support the pro-democracy forces.

M20 for Manning Reports/Photos/Youtubes & a (n Irish Australian) Catholic Worker Reflection on it All!

A(n Irish Australian based in London) Catholic Worker Reflection on M20 for Brad Manning!
by Ciaron O'Reilly (originally from Brisbane, presently Giuseppe Conlon House, London)

The Catholic Worker (CW) in England primarily consists of three live in communities and extended communites around these experiments carrying out the "acts of mercy" to the homeless and nonviolent resistance resistance to the warmakng state.

Statement by Helen Caldicott on Fukushima disaster

“I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. Robert Oppenheimer, quoting the Baghavad Gita, on witnessing the first atomic bomb test, 1945

As I write this – on the afternoon of March 16 in the United States – the situation at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant No. 1 is, tragically, looking increasingly grim. Radiation levels are increasing, mass evacuations in the area surrounding Fukushima are underway; and experts are speculating –with trepidation, but understandable caution – about how far the radiation will spread, both within Japan and to other parts of the planet.

Why military action in Libya is wrong.

As a leftist who supports the inspiring democracy uprising in Libya I was very disturbed to see the start of military action by France, Britain and the U.S. Let me be chrystal clear from the start, I believe Gaddaffi to be an odious ruthless dictator who has no legitimacy and violently oppresses his own people. However I do not believe the intervention is a good thing for the following reasons:


Australian​s join protests in Afghanista​n

Monday 20 March Media Release An international delegation of activists have joined locals protesting in Afghanistan this weekend. A vigil will be held in Melbourne tomorrow, which will include the wife of an Australian participant in Afghanistan and an ex-Australian Army officer. The protests in Afghanistan included a public vigil outside the UN compound, and a candlelight vigil.


Bradley Manning & Going to see Laverty/Loach's "Route Irish" with my mate Ben an SAS Iraq War veteran!

Brad Manning & Going to see Laverty/Loach's "Route Irish" with my mate Ben an SAS Iraq War veteran!
by Ciaron O'Reilly Cathoilic Worker/ Plowshares

Last night I went to see Ken Loach/ Paul Lavety's latest effort, the film "Route Irish". I was invited along by a friend, Ben Griffin, who is an Iraq S.A.S. combat veteran.

Horrific treatment of Amazon Indians exposed 100 years ago

Thousands of Indians were enslaved and killed
during the rubber boom. ©W Hardenburg

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 17 March 2011 - - 30,000 Amazon Indians were enslaved, tortured, raped and starved in just 12 years during the rubber boom, according to a historic report submitted by Irish investigator Roger Casement, 100 years ago on 17 March 1911.

Spinning Fukushima

Below is an article from FOE Mellbourne's website explaining how Austalian nuclear scientists/boosters have tried to spin the ongoing crisis in Fukushima in Japan.

How have Australian scientists handled the difficult task of keeping us informed about the unfolding nuclear disaster in Japan? The first thing to note is that precious few Australian scientists have featured in the media. The most prominent have been Prof Aidan Byrne from the Australian National University, RMIT Chancellor Dr Ziggy Switkowski, and Prof. Barry Brook from Adelaide University.