
OZ Catholic Workers Blockade London Court as Julian Assange Extradition Verdict Recited Within!

Free Manning! Free Assange! Free all War Resisters! End the War!

Feb. 24th. -Associated Press Photo (Matt Dunham) - Catholic Workers Ciaron O'Reilly (originally from Brisbane, left, and Roland Gianstefani (orignially from Melbourne), right, are removed by police and security officers after sitting in the road after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange departed after his extradition hearing at Belmarsh Magistrates' Court in London, Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011.

WGAR News: The NT Intervention and the UN Universal Periodic Review of Australia 2011

Newsletter date: 27 Feb 2011

* UN Universal Periodic Review of Australia 2011
* WCC Statement on the Situation of Indigenous Peoples of Australia
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


- Special Compilations

Background info:
Human Rights Law Resource Centre:

Protestors killed in Iraqi "democracy"

At least 15 protesters have been killed on Friday 25th February during a "Day of Rage" in Iraq. Iraqis across the country, joining their Arab brother and sisters, have organised themselves via social media to protest against corruption, lack of jobs and the lack of basic services in Iraq eight years after the invasion. Like in other Arab countries these protests have not been party political or sectarian. In fact many of the countries leading religious figures advised their followers to not join the protests.

The Shortwave Report 02/25/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (February 25) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and The Voice of Russia.

More Secrets mp3

Wiki Leaks, J.Assange, B Manning, Daniel Elsberg, Julian Burnside, "The Establishment", bbc news quiz excerpt, and more - collaged together with music from Paris Acid Reflux, John Lennon - Beatles - electronica - world music - samples

30:00 min 128 kbps stereo 27.5 MB

The end of commercial whaling in the Southern Ocean?

"The whale war in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary is over. The whales have won!" announced Captain Paul Watson from the Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin on Saturday.

The Nisshin Maru whaling factory ship late last week made a pivotal course change north, as the Japanese Fisheries Agency announced that the whaling fleet had been recalled for this season.


Anonymous press release on Bahrain: 17th Feb 2011

Dear free-thinking citizens of the world,

The Bahrainian government has shown by its actions that it intends to brutally enforce its reign of injustice by limiting free speech and access to truthful information to its citizens and the rest of the world. It is time to call for an end to this oppressive regime. The most basic human right is the transparency of one's government, and Bahrain's is no exception.

Anonymous press release on Libya: 21st Feb 2011

Dear United Nations:

Anonymous wishes you to act.

We are watching the developments in Libya and are shocked.
Shocked by the images we’ve seen.
Shocked by the things Libya’s Anons have told us.
Shocked by the fact that one man ignores the voices of his citizens and opens fire on them.
Shocked by the fact that even with generals and diplomats deserting, this man is still ignoring the will of his people and unwilling to accept their human rights

OZ Catholic Workers gather, Ciaron O'Reilly speaks outside of Julian Assange extraditon hearing in London

Anti-War Solidarity with Julian Assange - Verdict on Extradition Thurs Feb 24th. 2011

Youtube (4mins 39 secs) - Anti-War Solidarity with Manning & Assange outside Julian Assange Extraditon Hearing in London
Verdict - February 24th 2011

London based Australian Catholic Workers - Ciaron (Brisbane), Roland (Melbourne), Rowan, (Adelaide) and Sue (Melbourne) joined with folks from WikiLeaks London Support, Justice for Assange and Anonymous over last week's three days of Julian Assange's extradition at Woolwich Courty/Belmarsh Prison.
