Nothing will be done about suicides crisis

by Gerry Georgatos - March 8th, 2014 - courtesy of The Stringer - - On October 23, the chair of the Indigenous Advisory Council, Warren Mundine responded to this publication’s sustained coverage of the horrific suicide crisis among First Nations people and to my research. Mr Mundine committed the Indigenous Advisory Council to the urgent need to address the pernicious and endemic crisis.


The Betrayal of Julian Assange

By Robyn Irene - February 23rd, 2014 - Truth changes everything. There is a kind of automatic reaction involved when factual information comes into the public sphere — whether that be the life of a country or an individual. Hidden secrets, the exposure of dirty washing, call it what you will, once we know what is concealed, we feel empowered.More so when our understanding of situations and complex scenarios is complete. The full story is the only story. It is only when we know that we can even begin to properly assess a situation, in our own lives, or in our world.


Toxic Hazelwood fires threaten our health

February 17 by Maude Farrugia of Korumburra, South Gippsland

It’s been over a week now that CFA crews have been battling the 1.3km blaze at Hazelwood coal mine. It’s also been over a week now that the surrounding areas of Southern & Western Gippsland have been blanketed in a fine haze of toxic smoke. And it’s not likely to stop anytime soon with predictions the fire could burn for weeks, months or even decades if it gets deep into the coal seam.

Related: ABC - Air quality continues to deteriorate at Morwell, Traralgon, as mine fire continues to burn | The Age - Health fear rises over Morwell mine fire | Environment Victoria - Hazelwood fire highlights persistent problems and failures of Latrobe Valley coal mines | Flickr - Hazelwood Mine Fire Photos | VOST Victoria - Morwell Open Cut / Hazelwood Mine Fire Info


Fears for lives of people in detention after Immigration Minister lies about death and casualties at Manus Island

Refugee advocates with contacts on Manus Island are reporting witnesses saw PNG police and locals attacking refugees after security employees were withdrawn from the detention centre. Australian Immigration Minister Scott Morrison continues to peddle the lie that an internal "riot" was the cause of the injuries and mainstream media are perpetuating the minister's lies. The incident is another in a long line of human rights breaches and international relations disasters for the Abbott government.


Suicide crisis – from tragic to catastrophic

By Gerry Georgatos - February 6th, 2014 - courtesy of The Stringer - - Israel and Natalia are entitled to equality - Photo, Gerry Georgatos - Australia is facing a suicide crisis that is not abating, it is continuing and getting worse. If the suicides tragedy among our First Nations peoples remains unaddressed it will escalate from tragedy to catastrophe – with near genocidal-like effects. The neglect of this crisis is dirty racism.


Tumult of death - 400 more suicides

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - - Last year, I aggregated Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) hospital collated data on reported suicides of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples – 996 suicides from 2001 to 2010. That is 1 in 24 of all deaths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – by suicide.


Schapelle Corby is innocent – part 9 – the abominable silence

by Gerry Georgatos - January 25th, 2014 - Schapelle Corby is innocent and the Australian Government has always known this to be the case. I know this not only from the overwhelming evidence compiled by The Expendable Project researchers who have put the verdict beyond reasonable doubt, I know it not only from the fact that no-one smuggles cannabis to Indonesia from Australia, but I know it from the Australian and Indonesian Governments, both who have told me that Schapelle Corby is innocent.


TREATY - petition for Treaty - please sign and share

Petitioning the Australian Government, To the Prime Minister, To the Attorney-General

Go the petition site to read and sign the petition - here:

TREATY is the justice - when TREATY is here, "that'd be the justice" said a Central Desert Elder to me.

When we settle for less, in general we are left with 'the less', period.


Schapelle Corby is innocent - parts 5,6,7 - Listen to the disturbing interview with Allan Kessing

SCHAPELLE CORBY IS INNOCENT – PART 7 – today’s interview with Allan Kessing – an eye opener!
by Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - - January 11th, 2014 - At the conclusion of this short article you will have the opportunity to listen to an interview that will disturb you and which should make you angry. Anyone of us could be the next Schapelle Corby – an innocent person who our Government and our prized institutions have stranded in a hell that no-one deserves.


Scientists comment on 2013 being the hottest year on record for Australia

Australia's Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) confirmed on 3 January 2014 in the annual climate statement that 2013 was the hottest year on record for Australia. This was all the more concerning considering the neutral ENSO conditions. 2013 also ranks as the sixth-warmest year since global records commenced in 1880, according to the WMO. In the first week of 2014 Australia is again in the grip of heatwave conditions approaching 50C in some towns.

Related: Sea surface temperatures unusually warm around Australia in 2013 | Climate IMC: 2013 was Australia's hottest year, warm for much of the world say Bureau of Meteorology scientists | SMH: Climate change: It's hot - and not just in the kitchens of bickering MPs | Alex White (Guardian): Australia swelters under a sham climate change policy after hottest year on record
