climate change

Who pays for climate adaptation?

Climate extremes are already straining the resources of many countries, the Philippines being the latest victim. As the cycle of increasing damage and incomplete recovery accelerates the costs of disaster relief will grow. Occasionally, governments have used one off levies to help meet these demands eg Australia in 2012. Such levies have been accepted with limited complaint but future impacts are projected to be harsher, more frequent and more widespread.


Hundreds rally to oppose brown coal allocation and export from Victoria

Hundreds rallied outside the Victorian Parliament House opposing plans for brown coal allocation and development for a coal export industry from the La Trobe Valley and Gippsland.

Currently 13 billion tonnes of brown coal is being considered for allocation by the Napthine conservative state Government, despite the impact of this in carbon emissions on climate change and increasing temperatures and extreme weather. As well as the allocation of coal licences, $90 million of Federal and State subsidies are also up for grab. Does subsidising brown coal make sense when we should rapidly be transitioning to renewables?

Photos at Quit Coal Campaign Victoria Photoset at Flickr | Youtube Video


Eureka Curse on Maurice Newman in Effigy burning at 2013 Eureka Dawn Vigil

Maurice Newman, Tony Abbott's chief business advisor, was cursed at the Eureka Dawn Vigil on December 3 when an effigy of him was burnt.

Lantern, banner and effigy maker Graeme Dunstan selected Prime Minister Tony Abbott's chief business advisor Maurice Newman as the candidate for an effigy to be burnt at the 2013 Eureka Dawn vigil on December 3 in Eureka Park at Ballarat.

You Have Not Been Told the Truth About Global Warming

We dare to ask: why did global warming pause? New science shows it didn't. The paper is "Coverage bias in the HadCRUT4 temperature series and its impact on recent temperature trends" by Kevin Cowtan and Robert G. Way.

Sounds technical? Yes, the computational analysis was done by specialist Kevin Cowtan from the UK's University of York. But buried inside is record-breaking science that turns our understanding of heating upside down. Yes it HAS warmed greatly in the last decade!

QLD: G20 Dissenters form Action Network

As Australia assumes the G20 presidency prior to the summit in November next year, concerned community members announce the formation of the Brisbane Community Action Network G20 (BrisCAN-G20).

The network has formed to facilitate community responses and raise the profile of dissent to the G20 summit. BrisCAN-G20 will foster collaborations between community groups, support community action and provide commentary and critique of the G20 and Australia’s role in it.


Rosia Montana, Romania: Gold mining to relocate hundreds and cut two mountains in half.

Romania: Gold mining to relocate hundreds and cut two mountains in half.

Rosia Montana, an ancient settlement, tucked away in a remote valley South of Cluj-Napoca in Romania is being subjected to renewed pressures from international mining companies and the Romanian government.

There are massive environmental and human health concerns with this practice of mining all over the world.

Australian Public opinion on carbon pricing and climate change

Was Australia's Federal election a referendum on the carbon price and Australia's policies on climate change? Prime Minister Tony Abbott would have us believe that it was. Indeed, he campaigned strongly to 'axe the carbon tax'.

Australian Emissions set to increase by 12 per cent by 2020 under Tony Abbott

According to Climate Action Tracker, it is likely Australian emissions under the Liberals policy will actually increase by 12 per cent by 2020, instead of meeting the unconditional commitment of 5 per cent on 2000 levels by 2020.

Projected warming "not compatible with human existence" - Australian expert

Heat and human health expert Elizabeth Hanna (ANU) on current and developing costs of climate heating.

For example, people dream of moving to Darwin. Some do, but then move back when they can't handle heat and humidity. With even Melbourne suburbs hitting almost 50 degrees C. - what will happen to Australia when the world warms more than 2 degrees C?
