climate change

Mass arrests disrupt coal supply at Bayswater, Keneally given ultimatum on coal

130 people pushed over a fence and entered onto land adjacent to the Bayswater coal-fired power station on Sunday 5th December. 12 people attached themselves with a device to the train tracks and approximately 60 of the 130 remained in the vicinity of the tracks. The remaining protestors tried negotiating with Police and stating that they were willing to voluntarily remove themselves from the train tracks on the condition that The NSW Premier Kristina Keneally withdraw the 'Bayswater B' proposal, commit to no new coal in NSW and begin a transition to renewable energy immediately.


Cancun: Tiquipaya summit recommendations essential to humanity

As the United Nations Climate Conference take place, thousands of environmental activists and campaigners head to Cancun, Mexico, some to take part in open protests others to participate in the alternative grassroots Global Forum for Life and Environmental and Social Justice.

A peak into the human well being equation

The man who invented the term “Peak Oil” delivered a lecture at Melbourne University on Wednesday night declaring that: “fossil fuel energy does the work we don’t like doing ourselves” and “without energy there can be no economic growth”.

Kjell Aleklett, Professor of Physics at Uppsala University in Sweden and President of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO), believes that oil, gas and coal are reaching peak production, which is set to leave the world with a deficit of energy relative to future demand.


Brown coal power bonanza GDF Suez with Hazelwood

GDF Suez, is taking over Hazelwood Power Station, via merger to form New International Power. Business description states world ranking of 1, 2 or 3 in businesses of LNG, hydro, wind and nuclear power. Curiously, at their website, only thing mentioned for Australia is Sita, waste recycling. Spin off from GDF Suez monster, Degremont Suez, is lead partner in Victorian very mistaken Desalination plant.


DCAN picket office of State MP Fiona RIchardson - 'Vote Climate for All of Us' - 3 November 2010

The stretch of High Street outside the office of ALP State MP for Northcote Fiona Richardson was more than usually noisy this morning as peak-hour motorists – and several cyclists - responded to the call from members of Darebin Climate Action Now who were picketing the office with placards opposing the projected HRL coal-fired power station in the Latrobe valley and calling for real action on climate change.


Push to make coal history - Northcote, 28 October 2010

To chants of “Coal, don’t dig it/ Leave it in the ground/ Time to get with it”, members and supporters of Darebin Climate Action Now marched from Northcote Town Hall to the office of local Labor MP Fiona Richardson to demand an end to the Brumby government’s pro-coal policies. They handed out leaflets calling on people to ‘Vote Climate’ in the upcoming election, and posing the question ‘Can we trust Labor on Climate?’, and also delivered a copy of Beyond Zero Emissions’ Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan to the office.

The callout:


CSIRO: South East Australia becoming drier, global warming implicated

A new report into the changing climate of South East Australia and particularly the Murray Darling Basin indicates an increasing risk of below average rainfall and runoff into streams and generally drier conditions. The change in the climate has, at least in part, been attributed to an increase in atmospheric anthropogenic greenhouse gases associated with global warming.

Related: Climate scepticism, anthropogenic global warming and drought in south east Australia | Study predicts extreme drought conditions worsening globally with climate change

'No new coal, fund renewable energy' - Protest at Premier Brumby's office, 18 October 2010

Melbourne's Cross Campus Environment Network (CCEN) organised a rally on Monday outside the office of Premier John Brumby in opposition to energy
company HRL's plans to build a new coal-fired power station in the Latrobe Valley. Apart from a range of speakers condemning the plan, in the interests of
fair play they also invited a representative of the company to answer objections...


Study predicts extreme drought conditions worsening globally with climate change

Extreme Drought and aridity is likely to increase within decades across much of Africa, Australia, North and South America, South west Asia, and around the Mediterranean Sea according to a new study by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientist Aiguo Dai.

Earlier research published in 2005 by Aiguo Dai and scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in the USA found that Global Warming is a major factor in Drought increasing globally.

UK activists blockade oil refinery

In an inspiring direct action in the UK, 400 climate activists have blockaded an oil refinery. 12 female protestors chained themselves to parked vans, others mounted tripods and still others linked arms across the refinery entrance. Organised by the group Crude Awakening they were highlighting the connection between dependance on oil and worsening climate change.