
Interview with Deborah Hart organiser of the "Climate Guardian Angels" action at the Brisbane G20

Perth Indymedia speak with Deborah Hart one of the organisers (and participants) in the "Climate Angels" action at the Brisbane G20. Deborah is also co-convenor of ClimActs.


Lately, we're not just winning, we're winning BIG.

Dear Avaazers,

Lately, we're not just winning, we're winning BIG.

These are not small time victories, but the biggest stuff, the save the world stuff - on climate change, Monsanto, our oceans, the internet, democracy, and more! There's a lot that's depressing in the world today, but scroll down and see what our future could look like if we just stick together...

After the March -- Real Progress on Climate Change!! From Europe, the US, and China!

[Progress on climate change]
One of our 2,600 climate marches!

IRAN - Human Rights Abuses


Article 220 of the Iranian Criminal Code states; “If a father – or his male ancestors – kill their children, they will not be prosecuted for murder."

Likewise, article 1179 of the Civil Code states; “Parents have the right to punish their children within the limits prescribed by law.”

No to the pro-imperialist mobilization around Kurdistan!


    For weeks, the fate of Syrian Kurds has become one of the most important justifications for the imperialist intervention under way in the region; international media have focused attention around Syrian Kurdistan (Kurdistana Rojava, Western Kurdistan, in Kurdish) and the city of Kobané attacked by forces of a group called the"Islamic State" (better known by the acronyms in English or Arabic: ISIL, ISIS or Daech).

BrisCAN-G20 Peoples Summit Day Two Events

Date and Time: 
Thu, 13/11/2014 -
8:30am to 10:30pm
Brisbane, Australia
Contact Name: 
Max Reithmuller
Contact Email: 

The G20 Peoples’ Summit continues on Thursday, November 13, with a full program comprising 23 events at five locations around Brisbane.

As part of the Visioning Another World: The G20 Peoples’ Summit, a three-day festival of symposiums, idea sharing, art, creative activities, education and action, day 2 will focus the discussion and workshops on topics pertaining to climate change, including the Indigenous context, activism and solidarity between Australia, the Philippines, India and Greece.

Dismantling a radioactively highly polluted German nuclear reactor with a scandalous cover-up history

Under strict secrecy work began on Tuesday 11 November 2014 on dismantling a radioactively highly polluted German nuclear reactor with a scandalous cover-up history. The “experimental” nuke at Jülich was shut down in 1988, ten years after serious mishaps which included radioactively polluted water escaping into the ground water. The incident was kept secret, then played down.

The operating company says the deconstruction is not dangerous to the public but experts doubt that claim. The work was to be completed tomorrow, 13 November.


Putin takes shirtfronting up a notch

This is not satire. The stakes have been raised in macho posturing between PM Tony Abbott and Russian President Vladimir Putin, with the news that russian warships have been seen heading towards Australian waters after Abbott asked Putin to apologise and compensate the victims of the MH17 tragedy. 

According to The Australian, "Australian P3 Orion surveillance aircraft have been deployed to monitor the ships, along with Anzac class frigate, HMAS Stuart.The ships are in the Coral Sea, south of Bougainville off Australia’s east coast."