
Near-Term Human Extincton: Making the Case

Let me ask you: Do you have days when you feel we are doomed as a species? That's every day, for our next guest.

When a successful Professor of Natural Resources, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology left the University of Arizona, for his mud hut retreat, he probably didn't intend to stir up the world. But that's just what Guy McPherson has done. He's becoming a voice for the worst fears of many people. In fact, McPherson says climate change has gone so far, so fast, humans will become extinct before 2050.

Lessons learned in the Bucca camp - and Muslim IS raids

By Kathy Kelly - courtesy of The Stringer - - In January of 2004 I visited “Bucca Camp,” a U.S.-run POW camp named for a firefighter lost in the 2001 collapse of New York’s World Trade Center. Located near the isolated port city of Umm Qasr, in southern Iraq, the network of tent prisons had been constructed by U.S. Coalition authorities. Friends of five young men thought to be imprisoned there had begged our three-person Voices delegation to try and visit the camp and find out what had happened to their loved ones.


Australia a nation of disabled people

The human body was actually designed for walking, but how often do people walk these days, there is 17.6 million motor vehicles in Australia & people use these vehicles like they are all disabled, they can't walk properly so they choose to use a motor vehicle instead of walking, they can't run so they use a motor vehicle instead. Australia is a nation of disabled people, a nation where machines take precedence over human health.

Politician tells supporters of Sharia law to 'GET OUT' of Australia

Politician Jacqui Lambie, wants those in Australia who support Sharia law to "pack up their bags and get out of Australia".

The Palmer United Party Senator is also calling for the supporters of Sharia law in Australia to be kicked off government benefits and not be allowed to vote in the country.

“Anybody that supports Sharia law in Australia should not have the right to vote, should not be given government handouts, and should probably pack up their bags and get out of here,” she told reporters in Hobart.

Depression and suicide prevention must be top of the agenda this century

By Gerry Georgatos - Courtesy of The Stringer - - Nearly one million people the world over die by suicide each year according to the World Health Organisation. The World Health Organisation stated that in 2012 there were 803,000 reported suicides. The real number is likely to be closer to double. In general, suicide takes more lives than war. But what leads to suicide? In understanding the first ever World Health Organisation report on suicide the major cause is depression.


World Suicide Prevention Day – suicide takes more lives than war

By Gerry Georgatos - This story is reproduced from The Stringer - - September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. It is estimated that around the world nearly one million people per year die by suicide. According to the World Health Organisation the figure is at least 800,000 people lost to suicide each year. This translates to a death by suicide every 40 seconds, more than 3,000 suicides per day. For every suicide the World Health Organisation estimates there are at least twenty failed suicide attempts.


San Francisco 9/11 Film Festival to be Live Streamed

Date and Time: 
Fri, 12/09/2014 -
6:00am to 4:00pm
on the web
Contact Name: 
allan rees
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Landmark 9/11 Event to be Live Video Streamed September 11th

Coming up Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 1:00 pm Pacific * 4:00 pm Eastern * 20:00 GMT
On September 11th, You Get 10 Hours of Live Video Streaming and then you will have 30 Days afterwards to watch the Video Archives of the Films and the Speakers.