BrisCAN-G20 Peoples Summit Day Two Events

Date and Time: 
Thursday, November 13, 2014 -
8:30am to 10:30pm
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
Max Reithmuller
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Brisbane, Australia

The G20 Peoples’ Summit continues on Thursday, November 13, with a full program comprising 23 events at five locations around Brisbane.

As part of the Visioning Another World: The G20 Peoples’ Summit, a three-day festival of symposiums, idea sharing, art, creative activities, education and action, day 2 will focus the discussion and workshops on topics pertaining to climate change, including the Indigenous context, activism and solidarity between Australia, the Philippines, India and Greece.

The panel discussions and workshops will be facilitated by keynote speakers attending the G20 Peoples’ Summit, and well known activists that cannot attend but will link up via webcam.

Among those who will be participating from a distance is Derrick Jensen, who needs to attend to personal health issues in the USA and will provide an input via video calling.

Derrick Jensen is a coauthor of Deep Green Resistance, and the author of Endgame, The Culture of Make Believe, A Language Older than Words, and many other books.

He was named one of Utne Reader’s “50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World” and won the Eric Hoffer Award in 2008.He has written for Orion, Audubon, and The Sun Magazine, among many others.

Elmer Labog, the Chairperson of the Philippines’ May Firs Movement (KMU) will lead a discussion on labour movements.

Elmer Labog heads the largest and the militant trade union centre of the Philippines, and the Vice-Chairperson of the New Patriotic Alliance of the Philippines (BAYAN) of which KMU is a key component. Elmer Labog is also a member of the International Coordinating Committee of the International League of Peoples Struggles. He has played a key role in worker and people’s mobilisations in the Philippines against US military bases and against neoliberal impositions such as the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, the World Trade Organisation, and so-called Free Trade Agreements, the most recent of these being the People’s Global Camp in Bali during the December 2013 WTO Ministerial Meeting.

For full details of all the 23 events, speakers and venues visit

Media Contact: Max Riethmuller – 0415200577 –
For more information visit: