
UK Company backs Free West Papua campaign

The huge cosmetics chain LUSH has decided to back the Free West Papua campaign.

100 shops across the UK will be displaying a large poster of the Morning Star flag in their window for the next week, and over 50,000 campaign leaflets and postcards have been produced to distribute to members of the public urging them to take action.

A placard featuring a photo of political prisoner FILEP KARMA will also be placed on pavements outside each store, with the tagline "Jailed for 15 years for raising a flag".

Dalai Lama, Tibet and western media

China has often being misunderstood by the Western public due to factual distortion by Western’s journalists and writers. Bruce Gilley, an assistant professor of political science at Portland State University’s Mark O.

Call to scientists to sign anti-“biofuel” appeal

Europe’s agrofuel devours the rainforests.

In a joint letter 168 scientists have warned the EU against so-called “biofuel”. They say plant energy from field crops is anything but climate-friendly, which the EU claims it is.

“Treating biofuel as climate-neutral is very definitely not supported by scientists,” the researchers say. Rainforests are felled for agroenergy and rising food prices are worsening hunger in the world.

The Shortwave Report 10/07/11 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 7) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

The Plan to put it all together.


The World Wide Movement is Great but needs to be tied to a working Policy. Politicians don't have the answers to your demands they are stuck in limbo. PlanQ can change all that energy, but can't do it without you. Need you to push it along loud and clear.

The following blog is in relation to several questions I have asked myself about the ongoing circumstances revolving the GFC for last year and any action that could or should be taken by our Governments.

Philippines calls for progress in climate talks in typhoon devastation aftermath

Filipinos are fighting for survival amid worsening climate change according to the Philippine delegation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) round of talks in Panama. The main island of Luzon and the national capital Manila have been blasted and battered in late September and into early October by two consecutive typhoons which have killed at least 76 people and caused at least US$200 million in damage to infrastructure and agriculture.

Rapes, beatings, intimidation, herds stolen - now Ethiopia’s ‘bulldozer’ government arrests 100 tribal people over dam

Young Hamar boys painted with white ash. The Gibe
III dam also places their tribe at risk
©Magda Rakita/Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, October 6, 2011 - - Survival International has received reports that around one hundred Ethiopian tribespeople have been arrested and jailed for opposing Ethiopia’s controversial Gibe III dam.

Plans for the dam and irrigated land plantations nearby are gathering pace, along with rising repression and intimidation to any opposition.