
Video report: Superstorm Sandy a wakeup call on climate change for the USA?

In the three presidential debates between Mitt Romney and Barak Obama climate change was never mentioned, despite it being raised in all previous campaigns going back to 1988. And then came Hurricane Sandy from the Caribbean. A late season category 1 tropical cyclone that combined with a north-easter from the Arctic to pummel the northern eastern coast of the United States, one of the most populous and industrialised areas on earth.

The Hurricane crossed the coast in New Jersey on Monday night, 29 October, at about 8pm not far from Atlantic City. The storm surge caused widespread flooding leaving coastal towns decimated. The winds of the hurricane caused trees to fall and whipped up a massive 3 to 4 metre storm surge. A full moon and a spring tide also exacerbated the storm surge. 10 metre waves were measured just outside New York Harbour entrance. (See Accuweather Superstorm Sandy Stats)

Related: Skeptical Science - Hurricane Sandy and the Climate Connection | Crops devastated, food crisis looms in Haiti from Hurricane Sandy | Inside Climate News: 3-D Maps Pictured Sandy's Devastation–Five Years Ago | Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and Australia

Sosbee's summary of recent events on fbi

See links to recent reports on crimes committed by the fbi.

Press Releases
Police & Prisons

By GERAL, Sun, 10/28/2012

The fbi/cia are cowardly, are global MAFIA, are homicidal and are imminent threats to all the world.

Re: 911

See my recent summary of the events showing how the fbi & cia (and their operatives) have ruined the usa and threaten the world by covert illegal & murderous intel operations.

European Parliament approves EU/Israel trade agreement/Letter of protest to Mrs Ashton, EU Chief Foreign Affairs


Dear Readers,

As you can see,
I wrote to Mrs Ashton, EU Chief Foreign Affairs, because of the ACCA trade deal between
EU and Israel, which is recently [on 23 october 2012] approved by the European Parliament

See also

PHILIPPINES: On the Bangsamoro Framework Agreement

The Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) joins the Filipino people, especially the Bangsamoros in Mindanao, in welcoming, although guardedly, the historic signing today of the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro between the Philippine government (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

The Shortwave Report 10/26 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 26) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Syria: An energy-based proxy war in the making?

By Marin Katusa, Chief Energy Investment Strategist

The Vietnam war wasn't really about Vietnam. Spaniards may have fought in the Spanish Civil War, but the real opponents were elsewhere. US and Soviet machinations in Afghanistan in the late 1970s had little to do with liberating a repressed population.

They were all proxy wars, struggles between superpowers that chose to fight their battles in faraway lands and inflict their collateral damage on other peoples instead of their own.

The Judge is wrong - Tell it to Malala, to Soraya, to the many dead and tortured

Judge Stephen Scott during sentencing of an Iranian-Australian (to 14 years) for his role in assisting Asylum Seekers to our shores (others mistakenly ill-define this as 'people-smuggling') said that there were greater risks for Asylum Seekers fleeing by boat than there are in if they remained in the country they were fleeing from.

The sentenced man was jailed for his part in several voyages in assisting people to Asylum, one which tragically ended in the 2010 Christmas Island disaster where thereabouts 50 people drowned.


Obama Wired for Sound in Debates

Find the Feed

Video frame images from US 'presidential debate' 2 show in high contrast an apparent audio feed above the president's left ear.

Is prompter-dependent Obama, prompterless in the so-called 'presidential debates', wired for sound, like Bush in 2004, who had some contraption hidden under the back of his jacket ?

Monetary Military Madness mp3


samples of mainstream media, "21st Century Schizpois Man" King Crimson, "Startrek", movie samples of "The International", "Green on Blue" Harry Shearer, Afghani Mix, "Waterboarding USA" Harry Shearer, Jason Mc Cue, Black Mirror, Ayn Rand, Erich Fromm, Onion News, Noam Chomsky, movie samples of "War Inc", Finance Mix, Andy Borrowitz, "21st Century Schizoid Man" Greg Lake


Bougainville pressured by BCL to reopen Panguna

The People of Bougainville are still being pressured with coercion to reopen the defunct Panguna mine in Central Bougainville by a company called Bougainville Copper Limited responsible for the environmental destruction and deaths of up 20,000 People in a civil war and an eco-revolution that shut down Panguna mine for BCL permanently. For twenty years now the mine has been a restricted area as the customary land owners maintain a no go zone to defend their land, resources, environment and wellbeing from being stolen and destroyed ever again.