
WGAR News: Fifth Anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Newsletter date: 15 September 2012

* SNAICC News: Today marks the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
* Les Malezer: Five Years On - The Fifth Anniversary Of The UN Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples
* Australian Human Rights Commission: Declaration On Rights Of Indigenous Peoples Turns Five Years Old
* Jack Waterford: $250,000 delivered to Aboriginal families at a cost of $220,000
* Solidarity Needed for Union action against Income Management

The Shortwave Report 9/14/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 14) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

The iPhone 5 is not an ethical iPhone -- not even close. Join protest to Apple!

Apple says it makes its products ethically. It says that even the new iPhone that was unveiled yesterday meets its commitment to the "highest standards of social responsibility".

But then how does Apple explain this report we got just last month from a worker in a factory in its Chinese supply chain? Share this image on Facebook so everyone knows the truth about the new iPhone:

"James Price Point is simply too valuable to be given over to industrialisation" Greens

* Greens Rachel Siewert: 60% of Australians do not support the processing of gas in the Kimberley * Rachel Siewert: Australian Greens respond to the release of the EPA recommendations on James Price Point * Tracker: Brown backs Sea Shepherd campaign against Browse * Walmadan Tent Embassy, James Price Point, north of Broome, Kimberley Region, WA * Background to the Aboriginal tent embassies * ABC Darwin: Bilingual education policy relaxed for bush schools * NIRS: 'First Four Hours' policy change welcomed * Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools * Background to the Lizard

Anarchist campaign against the NSW council elections

In the weeks preceding the NSW council elections, some anarchists and anti authoritarians in Sydney mounted a campaign against the coerced ritual of voting.

A couple thousand posters and stickers were pasted on walls, bins, electricity boxes, telephone booths, and bus shelters mostly throughout the electorates of Ashfield, Leichardt, Marrickville, Rockdale, Hurstville and Sydney city.
Low lying politician signs from every party were torn down, numerous high ones were hit with paint bombs and at least 20 anti voting slogans were sprayed across walls, mostly throughout the inner west.

De Pod 2012-09-08 mp3

Nachrichten Kommentar mit Wolfgang

Wasser Gas Probleme, Die Weltsicht der Europaeischen Krise, Australische Wirtschafts Angstmache, Obama Schaum, Mangel von Softpower in Asien, schlechte Filme und andere Noergeleien

Internet TV:

Len Martin's CSG Artikel:

Northern Rivers Echo - Mungo Mcallum's Artikel:

End forced medication, Demand Human rights, Demand mutual respect, freedom and a end to the persistent persecution of people by the Psychiatry.

Hello Sir/mm My name is Andre Dahl Jensen 

I am a Anarchist/activist that mostly develop and administrate groups/pages on social media, and a website project ( )

this is my situation.

I have been again arrested and put in forced hospitalization in Oslo, Norway. I had a appointment with a psychologist. As the meeting progressed discussing my situation, mostly my large consume of alcohol, it became apparent that I was being hospitalized because "they were worried" and I did not take the medication they advised me to take.
