Evil, powered by Google

Why should Google quit being a member of the evil U.S. Chamber of Commerce? 

Vote for your top reasons on our Google-esque website, and we'll delivery them directly to Google's California HQ!

Click here to vote at GoogleQuitTheChamber.org.

Don’t be evil.

It seems like a pretty good motto to live by, so it’s not surprising that Google has enshrined it as the company’s unofficial motto. But we know Google is a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, an organization that pushes some of the most evil policies in the world. Which leads us to wonder -- how can a company that pledges to not be evil also be a member of the Chamber?

The truth is, the Chamber has done a lot of evil things in it’s time -- from fighting to weaken environmental regulations to pushing for internet censorship -- and we’re having a hard time picking the top reasons over which we should tell Google to quit.

Can you help us decide, by voting for the top reasons for Google to quit the Chamber on our Google-esque website, GoogleQuitTheChamber.org? We’ll deliver your top reasons to Google’s California HQ.

Though every corporation has its problems, in general Google has been among the least evil: its embraced sustainable energy, extended equal rights to LGBT employees, and stood up for internet freedom around the world. That’s why it’s so surprising that Google remains a member while the Chamber attempts to buy the U.S. election with $100 million in secret corporate funding.

If Google really wants to live up to its motto it needs to quit. Now.

From lobbying against a federal holiday to honor Martin Luther King to defending gender discrimination, the Chamber has done some unbelievably evil things. In fact, it’s done so many evil things, we can’t decide which is the most evil. We need your help picking the worst thing the Chamber has done, so we can tell Google the #1 reason they should quit.

But why Google? Well, for one thing, because Google has staked its reputation on being a good corporate citizen with some respect for its employees and the world, while the Chamber is populated by extremists unconcerned with anything but short-term profit. For another, the Chamber’s advocacy of draconian intellectual property laws like SOPA threatens Google’s business as well as our ability to use the internet freely. And now the Chamber is in the midst of an unprecedented $100 million campaign to buy the November election to push its agenda even further.

Moreover, almost all of us use Google, which means that each and every one of us is helping fund the Chamber's evil actions. As one of the world’s most prominent and respected brands, Google could deal a powerful blow to the Chamber’s claim to being “the voice of American business” just by joining its fellow tech companies Yahoo and Apple and walking away now. So let’s give Google the encouragement it needs.

Go to GoogleQuitTheChamber.org to pick your favorite reasons for Google to quit, and then share it with your friends and family as well.


Rob, Kaytee, and the team at SumOfUs.org

SumOfUs is a world-wide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. You can follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook.


What we are witnessing is corporate pirating of technology . . .

Google did not invent electricity, google did not invent telephone lines or computers, google did not invent transmission protocols, google did not invent Bulletin Board Systems, google did not invent hypertext or html, google did not invent the gif file, google did not invent the zip file, google did not invent the internet, people all round the world invented this technology & the technology evolved over many decades, being abit of a old timer I have witnessed the evolution of this technology without any help from corporations, people invented this communication technology, they did it out of the kindness of their heart as well, from all over the world, none of these pioneers ever worked for a corporation.

The same thing has been happening since the dawn of the industrial revolution with alot of technologies being stolen by corporations, people invent technology so mankind can advance, but the corporation steals technology so they can be wealthy at the expense of someone elses hard work & innovation.

Long Live HPAVC . . .

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