Bougainville pressured by BCL to reopen Panguna

The People of Bougainville are still being pressured with coercion to reopen the defunct Panguna mine in Central Bougainville by a company called Bougainville Copper Limited responsible for the environmental destruction and deaths of up 20,000 People in a civil war and an eco-revolution that shut down Panguna mine for BCL permanently. For twenty years now the mine has been a restricted area as the customary land owners maintain a no go zone to defend their land, resources, environment and wellbeing from being stolen and destroyed ever again. How completely arrogant and spineless can the malignance of Rio Tinto and Bougainville Copper Limited be? The reopening of Panguna mine looms amid the continuing struggle for the recognition of independence. The Autonomous Bougainville Government, who formed to fulfil requirements for independence are unfortunately looking for quick profits to boost their economic base by entertaining deal’s with the devil that would allow BCL back. The miners BCL, who have still not paid any compensation for the ecocide and crimes against humanity that took place under the orders of Rio Tinto, have ignored the unified land owners who do not want them to return. The idea of Panguna mine as a mining resource is not out of the question for many of the land owners after the issue of independence is settled however this natural incentive for wealth is being determined sustainably by hand with people power rather than pilfered by corporate multinationals with their belligerent influence. The inspiring voices of Bouganvillean’s are no longer hidden in their scarred Island paradise as their profound message of; ‘enough is enough, our land is for gardening’. “NO MORE MINING” permeates the world at . You can support the continued self directed documentation and voice of the Mekamui People’s through Eel productions and the project.
by Daniel Jones


PNG Government and Rio Tinto must pay
Composition to Bouagainville government
for ripping them off for so many years,PNG
and Rio Tinto both corrupted they were
making so much profit (money)during that time and
neva tray to help the people from bouaiganville
or building Bougainville.
Rio Tinto want to reopen the mine, but they shoul pay
Billions of Dolars firs!!!