
Indians demand answers as Amazon is sold to foreign oil companies

Oil exploration in Peru's Amazon has generated
wide-scale indigenous protests. ©D. Dudenhoefer

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Peru’s latest Amazon auction has been challenged by indigenous groups after it emerged that they may not have been consulted before their land was sold off to foreign oil companies last week.

Russia turns into international nuclear waste dump. Does it want to destroy itself?

By Lyubov Yu. Moskvina

Most probably, Russia can be destroyed for a token fee... Since the application of nuclear energy started, the number of casualties has increased manyfold, and the number of accidents has increased, too. Putting the obvious economic benefits of nuclear energy on one scale, and the no less obvious danger – on the other, the advantage is almost always on the side of the first.

Current affairs mp3

Senator Conroys secrecy, Jules and Tony, Super Power Newstralia, "I want a new America" by College, Morgan-Rove-Palin-Media-Sex-Mix, Miracle Mc Killop plus Simpsons excerpt of "Miracle Maud", "Stuck in the Bank" by, War-On-Terror Paradigm

29:59 min 128 kbps stereo 27.5 Mb


Call for entries - Uranium Film Festival 2011, Rio: Aust films wanted

The URANIUM FILM FESTIVAL wants to inform especially the Brazilian and Latin American societies and stimulate the production of independent documentaries and movies about the whole nuclear fuel cycle, about the dangers of radioactivity and especially about the environmental and health risks of uranium exploration, mining and processing.The URANIUM FILM FESTIVAL will be held from May 21th to 28th 2011 in the city of Rio de Janeiro and from June 2nd to 9th in the city of São Paulo.

Study predicts extreme drought conditions worsening globally with climate change

Extreme Drought and aridity is likely to increase within decades across much of Africa, Australia, North and South America, South west Asia, and around the Mediterranean Sea according to a new study by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientist Aiguo Dai.

Earlier research published in 2005 by Aiguo Dai and scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in the USA found that Global Warming is a major factor in Drought increasing globally.

French youth and workers in revolt

The French workers and students have taken to the streets in a wave of militant demonstrations and strikes to try to halt the passing of a bill in the French Parliament to cut pensions. Three million workers have marched and struck in protest, but since oil workers and truck drivers joined the strike the crisis has escalated. Much of France is now running short on fuel. Inspiringly tens of thousands of high school students have joined the protests blockading and shutting their own schools and clashing violently with police.

Indonesia's Abu Graib: Brutal torture footage

Brutal Torture footage emerges from Puncak Jaya of priests killing by Indonesian Security Forces

October 18th, 2010 - - Press Release

West Papuan human rights workers have obtained a series of mobile phone videos of brutal acts of torture on two West Papuan priests. Indonesian security forces, most likely troops from the Kostrad battalion 754 based at Nabire, filmed the torture March 17 2010 at a road bridge near Tingginambut, Puncak Jaya, in the midst of a still ongoing military operation.


Finsbury wins ‘PR Disaster of the Year’ award

On the eve of the PR Week Awards, human rights organization Survival International has presented its 'PR Disaster of the Year’ Award to Finsbury PR and its founder Roland Rudd for their work with FTSE-100 mining company Vedanta Resources.

Finsbury is the retained PR agency for Vedanta Resources, which has been the target of a worldwide campaign to stop it building a bauxite mine in the hills of Niyamgiri, Orissa, India. The mine would have had a devastating effect on the Dongria Kondh tribal people who live there.