
WGAR News: Tracker: Dept hampered native title inquiry: report

Newsletter date: 23 March 2013


* Tracker: Dept hampered native title inquiry: report
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Professor Jon Altman re Native Title Act Proposed Amendments
* NITV News: Native Title changes reverse burden of proof to government
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Onus of proof reversal is essential to native title reform
* Background to Mabo and Native Title

* CAAMA: Cross Cultural Program Acknowledges Aboriginal Law

* The Wilderness Society: WildCountry and Aboriginal Australia

The Prime Minister’s apology to victims of forced adoption

Jennifer Kaeshagen - courtesy of The Stringer -

On Thursday, 21 March, Prime Minister Julia Gillard delivered a national apology on behalf of the Australian Government to all Australians affected by removal policies and practices from 1932 to 1982 which resulted in forced adoptions. The exact figure of how many children were removed remains unknown but it is estimated that as many as 225,000 babies were removed throughout this time. Many adoptees may still not know this to have been the case.


WGAR News: Healing Foundation booklet re impact of trauma on children + Interview with Marie Ellis

Newsletter date: 21 March 2013


* SNAICC News: New booklet raises awareness of the impact of trauma on children

* ABC Alice Springs Audio Interview with Marie Ellis: Why we want our community back

* The Wire Audio: New push for dialysis in remote communities as 'service hubs' junked

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: From Secret Country to Forgotten Peoples

* Chris Graham At Large: Frenetic activity, bugger-all progress: the art of bureaucracy

* Other articles


- News

Australian government approves nuclear irradiation of tomatoes

The irradiation of tomatoes & capsicums (bell peppers) has been approved by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today.

Now, A1069 (the application for the irradiation of tomatoes and capsicums) only requires rubber-stamping from the Ministerial Council. Each state has at least one STATE MP on the Council. Let your local member know that you say NO!!!

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 44 events from 20 March 2013

Newsletter date: 20 March 2013

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 19 - Thu 21 March 2013: Redfern, Sydney, NSW
Preparatory Meeting for Pacific Indigenous Peoples on the
World Conference on Indigenous Peoples 2014
Co-hosted by:
* National Congress of Australia's First Peoples; and
* New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council;
in collaboration with the
* Indigenous Peoples Organisations (IPO) Network of Australia
and * Global Coordinating Group
"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and
Indigenous peoples from the Pacific are invited

WGAR News: "Quality of life for Australians 2nd only to Norway, but for Aboriginal peoples 122nd"

Newsletter date: 19 March 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Quality of life for Australians 2nd only to Norway, but for Aboriginal peoples 122nd

* Rachel Evans & Leticia Funston, Green Left: Bowraville murders spark renewed protest
* Tracker: Hundreds protest lack of action over Bowraville murders
* Tracker: Murder victim's families to march on Parliament

* David T. Rowlands, Green Left: Blue Mountains crossing cemented colonisation

* Dr Alessandro Pelizzon, Sovereign Union: General Principles of Sovereignty for non-lawyers

NGOs release alternative to Queensland Uranium Implementation report - a toxic mess not worth the export dollars

At 2pm March 18th the Queensland Uranium Implementation Report is expected to be released by the LNP government. This report is expected to give the green light for uranium mining in Queensland. In October 2012 the LNP government broke its clear commitment not to allow uranium mining in Queensland. This commitment was the position of the LNP at the March 2012 state election and was reaffirmed after they took office. In the absence of open, inclusive and evidence based policy making the Newman LNP government has set up the Uranium Implementation Committee.

WGAR News: Goolarabooloo calls for protection of cultural sites: The Stringer

Newsletter date: 18 March 2013


* The Stringer: Goolarabooloo calls for protection of cultural sites
* ABC Radio National Awaye!: Lurujarri Dreaming
* Walk the Lurujarri Dreaming Trail in 2013
* An LNG Plant at James Price Point?
* Hands off Country: Woodside are back in Country 2013
* Hands off Country: If Woodside enter the sand dunes through the Monsoonal Vine Thickets they will be acting out side the law
* The Stringer: Kimberley voters send strong message - "do not build the Gas Hub"

WGAR News: Embassy warriors found 'Not Guilty': Brisbane Aboriginal-Sovereign Embassy

Newsletter date: 17 March 2013


* Brisbane Aboriginal-Sovereign Embassy: Brisbane Sovereign Embassy warriors found 'Not Guilty'
* NIRS Audio: Brisbane Embassy members have charges dropped
* Christine Flatley, Brisbane Times: Aboriginal tent embassy charges dropped
* Background to the Aboriginal tent embassies

* SNAICC News: New approaches are needed to child protection - or we risk another Stolen Generation

* Indigenous radio station 98.9FM Brisbane: Let's Talk Interviews
- Nicole Watson, researcher with Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning

Anarchist intervention in the Sydney Uni strike

In the early hours of March 7 some anarchists broke into the abandoned St Michaels College building on City rd on the Sydney Uni campus.

(For three months in 2011 this large abandoned space, renamed the “Chapel of the Insurrection” was liberated from the Catholic Church, their bullshit morality and their vast landholdings. Inside dozens of comrades, students, street youth and wage slaves experimented with new ways of living and found love, laughter and joy. Inside we built barricades and outside a large vegetable garden.)*