Julia Gillard

Prime Minister avoids climate protest and talk of climate change

The missing words at Julia Gillard's first address as Prime Minister to the National Press Club was "climate change". Outside the building Climate activists from Rising Tide Newcastle had dumped a ute full of coal at the entrance. The protesters called on the Gillard Government to announce a climate change policy that addresses Australia's principal source of greenhouse pollution - coal.

No mention in Gillard's address of first Australians and owners of this country

By Richard Downs, spokesperson for Alyawarr people and organiser for the
July gathering of elders and leaders:

"In Julia Gillard's address to the nation, there was no mention of the
first Australians and owners of this country on the way forward.

"She did mention how wonderfully the previous PM Kevin Rudd's apology
to the first Australians was given. Little does she know this has all
been a farce and now gone by the way side, blown across all directions
with the wind.

"Until the new PM acknowledges the racism and discrimination policy

Unions fight Building Commission draconian powers and prosecution of Ark Tribe

Hundreds of building workers rallied in cities across Australia on Friday, October 30, in support of Adelaide construction worker Ark Tribe, who is charged with 'failing to attend to answer questions' at the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) about a stop-work meeting. The commission has the power to compulsory interrogate and impose fines and jail building workers who do not co-operate. A Jail term of up to 6 months could be imposed.
