Indigenous education review

WGAR News: Responses to the DRAFT report of the Indigenous Education Review for the NT Gov't: FOBL

Newsletter date: 25 March 2014


* FOBL (Friends of Bilingual Learning): Responses to the DRAFT report of the Indigenous Education Review for the Northern Territory Government
* FOBL (Friends of Bilingual Learning): National Indigenous Languages Survey 2 (NILS2)
* FOBL (Friends of Bilingual Learning): DRAFT Report of the Review of Indigenous Education in the Northern Territory
* Why FOBL Matters
* SKrashen: Strongest evidence so far in support of bilingual education
* Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools (bilingual education)

WGAR News: NT gov't to further cut bilingual education: Emma Murphy & Peter Robson, Green Left

Newsletter date: 24 February 2014


* Emma Murphy & Peter Robson, Green Left: NT gov't to further cut bilingual education
* Jarvis Ryan: Bilingual education needs to be extended, not scrapped
* Alice Springs News: Indigenous education review: no more ‘biliteracy’; boarding for secondary students
* Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools (bilingual education)

* Padraic Gibson, The Guardian: Tony Abbott's cuts directly hurt Aboriginal children
* Clare Fester, Solidarity Online: Aboriginal grandmothers fight to stop new Stolen Generation

WGAR News: "Background Evidence to Support a Declaration of Aboriginal Sovereignty"

Newsletter date: 23 February 2014


* Michael Anderson, The Carrington Rand Journal of Social Sciences: Background Evidence to Support a Declaration of Aboriginal Sovereignty
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* Jarvis Ryan: Bilingual education needs to be extended, not scrapped
* Alice Springs News: Indigenous education review: no more ‘biliteracy’; boarding for secondary students
* Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools (bilingual education)

* SBS News: Big picture needed on Aboriginal education [Featuring Tom Calma]