NT government

WGAR News: Responses to the DRAFT report of the Indigenous Education Review for the NT Gov't: FOBL

Newsletter date: 25 March 2014


* FOBL (Friends of Bilingual Learning): Responses to the DRAFT report of the Indigenous Education Review for the Northern Territory Government
* FOBL (Friends of Bilingual Learning): National Indigenous Languages Survey 2 (NILS2)
* FOBL (Friends of Bilingual Learning): DRAFT Report of the Review of Indigenous Education in the Northern Territory
* Why FOBL Matters
* SKrashen: Strongest evidence so far in support of bilingual education
* Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools (bilingual education)

WGAR News: Keeping Them Home - Stop the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families

Special Sorry Day Edition
"National Sorry Day offers the Community the opportunity to acknowledge the impact of the policies spanning more than 150 years of forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families."

Newsletter date: Sorry Day - 26 May 2013


* Petition: Keeping Them Home - Stop the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews renowned journalist Jeff McMullen about child removals and the importance of families
