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Nachrichten Kommentar aus Australien mit Chibo

Lokale Coal Seam Gas Firma zieht sich zurueck, Deutsche Kannabis Nachrichten, Australische Polizei brutalisiert Bevoelkerung, Australische Medien Gesetzgebung und die reaktionaere Reaktion, Flughaefen und Bahnhoefe in Deutschland, Schuld Generation in Europa, media clips

Poisoned flag: US sailors nuked by Fukushima


Two U.S. sailors tell their stories of being poisoned with radioactivity aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan during the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan.

Quartermasters Maurice Enis, and Jaime Plym, now out of the Navy, speak in New York City, at a press
conference organized by the Helen Caldicott Foundation and the Physicians for Social Responsibility on March 11th, 2013, two years after the triple melt down in Japan.

In addition to the sailors, we hear from Jeff Patterson, president of PSR, Helen Caldicott, and Robert Alvarez.

The company rapes children

We can't be a perfect nation, there have been none prior to us throughout history, and there will be none after us that are. There is nothing in the universe that is without some flaw or having its own deficiencies. But, it becomes dangerous when people running any great nation become corrupt and take advantage of the good will of the people of a given country for themselves.

Citizens Lobby with Life on the Brink

Kiss your old climate good-bye. That's the word from scientists and measuring agencies on all fronts.

Download/listen to this Radio Ecoshock program (1 hour) in CD quality here (56 MB):

Or try the faster loading, lower quality Lo-Fi version (14 MB) here:

John Vidal of the Guardian was among the first to report that measurements of CO2 in the atmosphere at Hawaii's Mauna Loa observatory hit an all-time new high in February 2013 at 396.8 parts per million.

Iā€™ll miss Hugo Chavez

Iā€™ll miss Hugo. When I first was introduced to him in Porto Alegre in 2003, he greeted me, ā€œMi padre,ā€ and said he learned a lot from me. I was dubious about this and thought he was simply buttering me up, like any two-bit politician. Then he started telling me what he learned from Development Debacle, Deglobalization, and Dark Victory. I was stupefied; the guy actually read my stuff!

Queers against Cops respond to attacks

Following the 2013 Mardi gras parade (the corporate gaystream shadow of a radical and militant queer protest in 1978) a video was released online that showed a young shirtless man being choked by a police officer, then slammed headfirst into the pavement while handcuffed.

Outrage quickly spread across the Queer community and far beyond. Within two days, Community Action Against Homophobia (CAAH) called for a demonstration against police brutality on Friday 8th of March. The rally was to gather at 6pm Taylor square, then to march to Surrey Hills cop shop then back.


Coastal wetlands under threat from sea level rise, says World Bank

Climate change induced sea level rise of one metre is likely to destroy 60 per cent of the developing world's wetlands says a new World Bank research working paper. The economic loss of these wetlands is estimated at approximately $630 million US dollars per year.

The World Bank study looked at the risk to coastal wetlands in 76 countries at a sea level rise of one metre. Because there are so many uncertainties with the rate of sea level rise, the one metre level was chosen to study the likely impact. This sea level may be achieved this century, with sea level rising 60% faster than IPCC projections. Sea level rise is unstoppable, but it can be slowed through emissions reduction and give us humans and ecosystems a chance to adapt. Sea levels will continue to rise for several centuries.

How to have fun at corporatised O-Week

On Wednesday 27th February, some student dissidents and fellow rebels from Sydney University staged some O-Week counter-activities. O-Week, which runs for three days in the week before semester begins, provides corporations and banks, major sponsors of the Sydney University ā€œUnionā€ who organize O-Week, the opportunity to present a friendly face to the student public at their stalls, offering games, prizes and giveaways.