
WGAR News: Sovereign Union serves the Crown with formal objection to the Act of Recognition

Newsletter date: 15 February 2013


* Sovereign Union serves the Crown with formal objection to the Act of Recognition
* Sovereign Union: Open Letter to the Governor-General: Sovereign Treaty not the Act of Recognition
* NIRS: Sovereignty campaigner disappointed by Act of Recognition passing
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* Congress: Congress calls for hard yards on substantive Constitutional reform
* Background to National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples

* News on Act of Recognition passing Lower House

Top NZ Labour MP support for global ethical human rights approach to replace neoliberalism.

Top NZ Labour MP support for global ethical human rights approach to replace neoliberalism.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.,
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940 9658

Member of Parliament, David Cunliffe, who recently challenged for the New Zealand Labour Party Leadership, was supportive of my recent article, ‘Increasing dissent, and global ethical human rights truth, taking NZ from a ‘stupid culture’ to a ‘thinking culture’(see anthony ravlich’s blog, guerilla media).


WGAR News: Muckaty Northern Territory exhibition to open at Adelaide Fringe festival: BNI

Newsletter date: 14 February 2013


* BNI: Nuclear waste in the spotlight, Muckaty in the frame: Northern Territory exhibition to open at Adelaide Fringe festival
* Event: Exhibition by Human Rights Activist, Jagath Dheerrasekara: Manuwangku - Under the Nuclear Cloud: 14 Feb - 22 Mar 13
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump

* SNAICC News: Know your rights - Resource on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)

* Sovereign Union: The Apology is still an empty vessel

Laser powered vehicles are the future of transportation

AUSI, Australien Universal Space Industries have developed a system where lasers are beamed from telegraph poles onto passing vehicles to give them power for their electric motors.

Where does the lasers get its power ?

The Australian desert has enormous renewable energy potential & AUSI, Australien Universal Space Industries is working with the Gemasolar Thermosolar Plant in spain to initiate their solar power tower & Heliostat technology in Australias deserts.

A letter from Jock Palfreeman - Australian anti-fascist prisoner on hunger strike

Australian Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman, serving 20 years in Sofia/Bulgaria for defending two Roma boys from a racist mob, is on hungerstrike from 13th January 2013 because the Director of the Central Sofia Prison has ordered another punishment measure because of Jock´s activist work as chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoner´s Association.

Due to this punishment Jock is now not allowed to finish his studies which is very important to him.

It's a business

Modern times have seen us lose much of our innocence regarding notions of political figures being heroic and committed to serving the public and the good of the nation. To even say it almost sounds like the set up to a bad joke. There probably was a period in our history when the idea of becoming an elected official meant being humbled by the opportunity to serve the nation. There probably was a time when many in Washington woke up feeling overwhelmed with the idea they had another day serving their great nation. Of that I have no doubt.

Increasing dissent, and global ethical human rights truth, taking NZ from a “stupid culture’ to a ‘thinking culture’.

Increasing dissent, and global ethical human rights truth, taking NZ from a “stupid culture’ to a ‘thinking culture’.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940.9658

The following is a discussion between myself and Boz Za who set up the site ‘External Perspective: US’ on Facebook which describes itself as about ‘discussing and sharing news, history and articles related to US geopolitics, as well as other relevant topics such as capitalism and banking sector’.


Philippines: Where does the FOI campaign go from here?

Right to Know! Right Now!

Today, we close our people’s campaign for the passage of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill in the 15th Congress. We have, to the extent that our capacities and limited resources permitted, exhausted all avenues that we thought were open to us to get positive, decisive action from the leaders of the House of Representatives and from President Aquino no less.

Police state from sea to "The Shining" sea

See my documentations of a Police State out of control as exemplified by current events and by my own personal experiences with thugs of police, fbi, cia nationwide.

The current Los Angeles Police hunt against their own (Mr. Dorner) exemplifies many of my well documented points over the past twenty years, primarily that the police, fbi, cia are thugs, psychopathic liars, assassins, mass murderers and serial killers who are out of control against an expanding number and variety of Targets. The people like terrified lambs accept this ridiculous and pitiful state of affairs.
