
Massacres in Syria: the awful truth

By Tim Anderson
Contrary to the deluge of corporate media lies, the recent massacres in Syria are not being carried out by the Syrian Government, but rather by the fundamentalist Free Syrian Army (FSA), backed by NATO and the Saudis, with the aim of inciting international outrage and thus support for regime change.

Protests slam Philippines-Australia military pact

Anti-war and progressive groups in the Philippines have requested Australian solidarity against a Status of Visiting Forces Agreement between Australia and the Philippines currently before the Philippines Senate for ratification. On June 6 there were two anti-war demos against this Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) which is seen as part of a US-led military build up in the Asian region aimed at China.

Rio+20: Asian movements’ statement on the green economy

We are movements and organizations from Asia, waging struggles on various fronts and arenas to defend our rights, resist policies and projects that cause harm and destruction, and to fight for immediate priorities and demands, as well as profound transformation of our societies. Fight for Our Future! No Price on Nature!

We envision a social and economic system:

The Shortwave Report 06/15 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 15) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Creative censorship by Australian government funded media: The Conversation

I decided to put these incidents on public record for the benefit of the Australian society and to uphold the original purpose of the tax payer funded Internet media – The CONVERSATION.

The CONVERSATION is funded by the Australian government for the following purposes:

Who We Are: “We aim to be a site you can trust.”

Hazara refugee threatens to sue ABC over Four Corners story

by: Paul Maley, National Security Correspondent
From: The Australian June 14, 2012
A HAZARA refugee named on the ABC's Four Corners program as an "agent" of people-smugglers is threatening legal action against the national broadcaster unless an apology is issued and the "defamatory" claims withdrawn.

Medhi Rezaiee was named as collecting a payment on behalf of his brother, Mohammed Ali, as part of a Four Corners program into people-smuggling activities in Australia.

Honduras coup update May 2012

Honduras Coup Update - May 2012

(see full version here

There was a sudden surge of political killings during May. There were at least nine political assassinations.

On the Status of Visiting Forces Agreement with Australia

The Philippine-Australia military agreement, known as the Status of the Visiting Forces Agreement (SOVFA), which was poised to be ratified by the Philippine senate on June 6, has now been postponed until late July for final ratification. The SOVFA will enable Australian troops to conduct military exercises and other related activities in the Philippines. The SOVFA, as with the US Visiting Forces Agreement, sets the guidelines for the treatment of visiting Australian troops. The SoVFA was signed in Canberra in May 2007.

A prisoner with HIV left to die in his cell in Germany

Thomas Meyer-Falk | 04.05.2012 12:02
Willi was born 45 years ago – he died on 10th April 2012.

In 1996, Willi was infected with the HIV-virus through needle sharing in the use of drugs in prison. Later he escaped, and to get money for drugs and to finance his life on the road, he carried out some robberies. Although no-one was ever physically injured.