
Open letter to arch-enemy Billionaire Charles Koch now on Youtube! Charles Koch you suck!

This i found on Youtube when i was ACTUALLY researching the StreetArtist BANKSY,DeWeaver and Banksy are old mates and oddly enough have the same sort of furious rage against big corporations.This was on DeWeaver's blog.
He's taking on BILLIONAIRES people!we need to get behind people like him and others if we're ever gonna get some change!
DeWeaver:"I felt this video completely necessary for the Koch brothers, my feelings on these two are hardly any secret by now, the video is completely appropriate for these two low lifes"!

Statement by R.I.S.E. on Four Corners report on people smuggling

RISE (Refugee Survivors and Ex-detainees) is highly critical of ABC's Four Corners report on people smuggling which aired on Monday 4 June, 2012 in its failure to address the most pressing aspects of the issue of refugees and asylum seekers. We condemn ABC's obvious descent into the fear-mongering and dog-whistling around this issue that has been indicative of Australian politics since mandatory detention was instated as official policy, and perhaps well before that when White Australia was the state's prerogative.

Human Rights Alliance media release: No such thing as 'people smugglers'

Irresponsible politicking fever pitch with scare-mongering must cease. Describing humanity as ‘people-smugglers’ and ‘illegal’ Asylum Seekers must end – it is racism and discrimination to describe people as such.

It is disappointing to witness reputable news media fuel the racism by portraying those who assist our Asylum Seekers in their passage as ‘people smugglers’ and describing them as ‘cynical’, ‘sinister’ and ‘criminalised’.

It is the ‘migration walls’ that are criminally inhumane.

War being prepared against China behind the backs of the Australian people

It has been revealed in The Australian newspaper that the 2009 Defence White Paper “Force 2030” included a secret chapter that planned for Australia to fight alongside the U.S. to enforce a naval blockade of crucial sea lanes and how in return Australia might be faced with retaliatory attacks by China on our ports, mines and strategic targets like the U.S. Pine Gap military base. It also reveals that this potential conflict was the reason that the White Paper committed Australia to purchasing tens of billions of dollars worth of military equipment. This revelation is just the latest that documents how the deepening of our military alliance with the U.S. in a time of increasing militarism in the Asia Pacific poses great dangers to the working classes of not just Australia but indeed the whole region.
Related: Coverage in the Australian -- Analysis in the WSWS


Mission to shut down Darwin's Marine base launched at Lavarack Barracks, Townsville

Media Release 4 June 2012
A national campaign to shut down the recently established US Marine base in Darwin will be launched at the gates of Lavarack Barracks with an open mike Speak Out against the US Alliance and the unveiling of a mural. The campaign has been initiated by long time, itinerant peace activist, Graeme Dunstan of

De Pod 2012-06-02 mp3

Nachrichten Kommentar mit Wolfgang

Wetter Kriege, US Inc. ohne America, Julian Assange und die Australische Regierung, Spanishe Paella Bonds, Zirkus Australicus, Germanische Piraten, Nimbin Hookups, Australisches Jagen und Fischen in National Parks - Musik von Nicky Bomba

18:12 min 128 kbps stereo 17 MB

Australian government backs US campaign against Syria

Reprinted from the WSWS By Peter Symonds 2 June 2012 The Australian Labor government has again demonstrated its role in international affairs as the loyal point man for Washington, with the announcement on Tuesday that two Syrian diplomats, including the chargé d’affaires, had 72 hours to leave the country.