
Cuts to single parent payments lead to hardship

Courtesy of The Stringer -
Gerry Georgatos - There are 630,000 Australian lone parent families with dependents – 84 per cent are single mothers and 16 per cent are single fathers. 54 per cent of these single parents have a youngest child less than nine years of age. Of the parents with a child less than 9 years of age 59 per cent were in some form of employment end of June 2011 according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011).


The Stringer weekly newsletter - March 30

Welcome to The Stringer’s weekly newsletter

The Stringer went live February 20 -
Some of our stories from the last week include:

Australia’s pathway to poverty – bridging visas

March 30, 2013
The Australian Government’s hard on refugees policy is creating an underclass of people – many condemned to an itinerant lifestyle and many condemned to living on the streets.

According to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship since November 25, 2011, 12,765 people have been released from the detention centres and into community on bridging visas.

The Stringer weekly newsletter - March 23

The Stringer went live February 20. Some of our stories from the last week include:

Rising Renters Stress – 2/3rds of Australian live in rent

March 23, 2013

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) ‘rental stress’ is a term often used to describe households at risk of experiencing difficulty meeting their rental costs. High levels of rental stress mean that affordability may be low and, as a result, those households experiencing rental stress may be less able to rent housing that meets their basic needs.

The Stringer weekly newsletter - March 16

The Stringer went live February 20. Some of our stories from the last week include:

Quality of life for Australians 2nd only to Norway, but for Aboriginal peoples 122nd

March 16th, 2013

Once again the United Nations has ranked Australia second behind Norway in its annual Human Development Index – for public health, social wealth, education, even happiness. But if Aboriginal peoples go stand-alone they would not be part of that 2nd rating – they would be 122nd.

Brutal gang-rape in India is a call to everyone, worldwide, to ensure changes

Gerry Georgatos - Inhumanity knows no bounds just as equal to humanity's limitlessness. Recently, in Pakistan a fourteen year old school girl was shot the in head by the Taliban for speaking up for the right of young girls to an education. They stopped the school bus bringing home the children and shot the young Malala. On March 31 a Ukranian teenager died after a brutal gang rape. On December 16 the ugliest inhumanity was broadcast to the whole world when a 23 year old physiotherapy intern was gang raped on a bus in Delhi.


The student movement and new developments in left unity in Pakistan

Date and Time: 
Sat, 19/01/2013 -
5:00pm to 7:15pm
Geelong Trades Hall, 127 Myers st, Geelong
Contact Name: 
Sue Bolton
Contact Phone: 
0413 377 978
Contact Email:

Pakistani student activist to speak in Melbourne and Geelong

Alia Amiralia is a student activist in the National Student Association (Punjab), a member of the newly formed united left Awami Workers Party, as well as a
researcher on the Baloch National Movement and lecturer at Quaid-e-Azam University.


Global Inequality, the "war on terror"and refugees

Date and Time: 
Fri, 18/01/2013 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Geelong Trades Hall, 127 Myers St, Geelong
Contact Name: 
Sue Bolton
Contact Phone: 
0413 377 978
Contact Email:

Pakistani student activist to speak in Melbourne and Geelong

Alia Amiralia is a student activist in the National Student Association (Punjab), a member of the newly formed united left Awami Workers Party, as well as a
researcher on the Baloch National Movement and lecturer at Quaid-e-Azam University.

She will arrive in Melbourne on January 16 and will be a keynote speaker at the Socialist Alliance Conference in Geelong on Friday January 18 to Sunday January 20. Alia Amiralia will also be the main speaker at the Socialist Alliance public forum in Melbourne on January 21.


Michelle Lovegrove (SBS) interviews journalist Gerry Georgatos returned from Roebourne & Yindjibarndi CEO Michael Woodley

SBS Living Black Michelle Lovegrove interviews Gerry Georgatos on stark contrasts between Yindjibarndi poverty and the wealth nearby, and then Michelle continues on with an interview with Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation CEO Michael Woodley.

This interviews says quite a lot about it everything wrong in the Pilbara and for Indigenous people all over Australia.

The National Indigenous Times – ‘voice to the voiceless’

Published at Indymedia courtesy of the National Indigenous Times (12.12.2012) - Photo courtesy of the National Indigenous Times, by Geoff Bagnall; January 26, Lobby Restaurant
