
"How We Won the War" - Yulanji & Emily's story

How we won the war

Ilana Tulloch - Work Experience | 28th July 2009


PEACE protester Emily Nielsen yesterday told how she survived on a diet of nuts and muesli bars for 11 days at Shoalwater Bay during Exercise Talisman Saber.

The 19-year-old gave The Morning Bulletin an insight into life inside the training area for her and fellow protester Yulanji Bardon, 21.

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Help keep us on the air by subscribing during the stations 2009 fund raising drive Radiothon, August 15-21st!


CALLOUT for Solidarity with 7 Anti-War Activists Presently at Large in the Talisman Sabre 09 Exercise Area

*For photos and personal statements of the 7 activists go to this link

*ABC Report

*Call Talisman Sabre Hotline and demand the end of the exercise
1800 639 724

*Further background on nonviolent resistance to Talisman Sabre 09

*Further suggestions for solidarity with the 7 activists see the end of this email


7 More Activists Inside

Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area:

Call for End to War on Afghanistan


Update: peace activists in live fire zone call on defence minister to end war games

PLEASE CONTACT TS09 info line 1800 639 724 and
Defence Minister John Faulkner
and demand that the exercises be stopped!

Senator Scott Ludlam has informed the Minister of Defence that activists have entered the base.

Christian Activists enter restricted military area during live-fire exercises

Four nonviolent Christian activists have entered the Shoalwater Bay Training Area this morning to stop the Talisman Saber exercises. Calling themselves the “Bonhoeffer 4” after Kevin Rudd’s favourite theologian, Margaret Pestorius (44, Social Worker, Cairns), Jarrod McKenna (28, School Peace Educator, Perth) Jessica Morrison (33, University lecturer, Melbourne) and Rev. Simon Moyle (32, Baptist Minister, Melbourne) are currently moving towards a live-fire area.


Catholic workers arrested blockading military's road to perdition


Australian Catholic Workers, Jim Dowling and Ciaron O'Reilly were arrested this morning while blocking a major military access road to the Talisman Sabre 09 exercises being held at Shoalwater, central Queensland, Australia. Along with seven other anti war activists, the pair blockaded the road for over and hour and a half, and prevented more than a dozen US Army Jeep Troop carriers from entering the area.


Blockade of depot supplying Talisman Sabre war games 2009

The gates of Australian Army at Rockhampton Airport were blocked this morning (July 6th. 09)
By a group of Christian anti-war activists. The depot is presently deploying U.S. and Australian military personnel to Talisman Saber 09 exercises taking place at nearby Shoalwater Bay.
Melbourne activists Rev. Simon Moyle (Baptist, Urban Seed, Insipiral), Jacob Bolton (Jahworks),


Catholic workers to resist military excercise & Af/Pak war

Talisman Sabre 09 is a biennial exercise that involves 20,000 U.S. & 7,000 Australian troops, fighter jets and warships, it is taking place in July in central Queensland, Australia.
Australian complicity in the U.S. war on the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan includes the present deployment of 600 Australian (SAS, Special Ops and infantry) troops in Afghanistan, detention in Australia of Afghani refugees fleeing the war and daily targeting information for U.S. bombardment coming from the U.S. N.S.A Pine Gap near outback Alice Springs.


QLD councils, Indigenous groups move towards formal agreement

Native title claimants and five shire councils in central Queensland
have set the ball rolling for negotiations to develop an indigenous
land use agreement (ILUA).

Today in Mt Isa, representatives of the Kalkadoon People and the
Boulia, Burke, Cloncurry, McKinlay and Mt Isa shire councils signed a
memorandum of understanding (MoU) that commits them to an
agreement-making process.

Media Release
26 June 2009 PR09-13

Native title claimants and local government commit to negotiations

Native title claimants and five shire councils in central Queensland
