
Sandon Point Aboriginal Tent Embassy, north of Wollongong, NSW

Last updated: 27 December 2013

Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies
Main Contents Page:

Sovereign Union: Sandon Point Aboriginal Tent Embassy

Sandon Point: An area worth protecting

Kuradji Aboriginal Tent Embassy

Brutal gang-rape in India is a call to everyone, worldwide, to ensure changes

Gerry Georgatos - Inhumanity knows no bounds just as equal to humanity's limitlessness. Recently, in Pakistan a fourteen year old school girl was shot the in head by the Taliban for speaking up for the right of young girls to an education. They stopped the school bus bringing home the children and shot the young Malala. On March 31 a Ukranian teenager died after a brutal gang rape. On December 16 the ugliest inhumanity was broadcast to the whole world when a 23 year old physiotherapy intern was gang raped on a bus in Delhi.


Solidarity with Villa Amalias from Sydney

On Thursday the 20th of December in Athens Greece, Villa Amalias squat was raided by riot police and eight comrades inside were arrested. All have been charged with various felonies and misdemeanours and are being held at Athens police HQ till they will be brought again before a judge on the 24th of December.

Anarchists mourn fallen officer

"The Australian people made heroes of none, and raised no idols, except perhaps Ned Kelly, an outlaw.. "
Brian Fitzpatrick

On December 6 police were called to a property in Oakville Sydney over a neighbourhood dispute about a bird aviary.


Michelle Lovegrove (SBS) interviews journalist Gerry Georgatos returned from Roebourne & Yindjibarndi CEO Michael Woodley

SBS Living Black Michelle Lovegrove interviews Gerry Georgatos on stark contrasts between Yindjibarndi poverty and the wealth nearby, and then Michelle continues on with an interview with Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation CEO Michael Woodley.


This interviews says quite a lot about it everything wrong in the Pilbara and for Indigenous people all over Australia.

NSW events: SPATE 12th Anniversary Ceremony + Congress Forum: Constitutional Recognition Dubbo

NSW and Sydney Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 16 events from 11 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 10 December 2012 to 10 January 2013: Online
Our Generation film
Film released free online
"To mark the International Day for Human Rights
(10 Dec), we have uploaded the original version
of the film to watch for free online."
Event details: http://www.ourgeneration.org.au/news/film-released-free-online-1
About the film: http://www.ourgeneration.org.au/about
Film Reviews: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/09/24/our-generation-film-reviews

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 30 events from 11 December 2012

Newsletter date: 11 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 10 December 2012 to 10 January 2013: Online
Our Generation film
Film released free online
"To mark the International Day for Human Rights
(10 Dec), we have uploaded the original version
of the film to watch for free online."
Event details: http://www.ourgeneration.org.au/news/film-released-free-online-1
About the film: http://www.ourgeneration.org.au/about
Film Reviews: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/09/24/our-generation-film-reviews

Event: 11 December 2012: Northcote, Melbourne, Vic

Sydney events: "Stronger Futures" means Stolen Futures Forum + Documentary: Beautiful One Day

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 18 events from 6 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 6 December 2012, 6:30pm: Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
To mark International Human Rights Day,
STICS will be holding an
NT Intervention / Stronger Futures Forum
Forum: After the NT Election:
The Struggle Against the NT Intervention
Aboriginal leaders speak out:
"Stronger Futures" means Stolen Futures
Special guest speakers:
* Rosalie Kunoth Monks &
* Amelia Pangarte Kunoth-Monks
from Utopia community, Central Australia

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 35 events from 6 December 2012

Newsletter date: 6 December 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 5-7 December 2012: Gold Coast, Qld
2012 National Indigenous Health Conference
Many Pathways, One Outcome
" ... is designed to bring together both government
and non-government agencies who are working
in the field of Indigenous health with the belief
that working together can close the gap between
the state of Indigenous Health as compared to
the health of mainstream Australians."
"Organiser Maria Edubas says issues including
children's health, the prevention of chronic disease,