
An Embassy to welcome an extraterrestrial civilization: the Raelians will file a formal application to the Canadian Government!

Ottawa, June 2nd 2014 -

On Wednesday, June 4, 2014, representatives of the International Raelian Movement in Canada will officially hand over the project file for the construction of the Embassy of Elohim to the Canadian Government. After seven refusals for the State of Israel to answer the request of the Raelian Movement, RAEL decided in 2000 to offer the opportunity to host this historic project to all countries of the world!


Global demand for renewable energy engineers

Global demand for renewable energy engineers.

Its boom time for renewable energy, a verifiable gold rush into constructing renewable energy infrastructure all over the world & ending our dependence on filthy fuels.

After The Protests [ audio ]

A laid back recording of activism in Nimbin Australia after the Bentley protests

Two songs by Burri, Aboriginal Storyteller, and Mooks, longtime activist.
Lots of early 70s references - recorded in a 20 year old permaculture school

23:21 min 128 kbps stereo 22 MB


Time for Emergency Action on Climate

Australian science blogger and author David Spratt renews his call for emergency action to save the climate. In his latest work, Spratt explains why the remaining amount of burnable carbon for a safe climate is ... zero.

All that talk of how much carbon we can burn over the next decade or two is sadly mistaken. If we have any margin left, we'll need that to grow food. Agriculture has it's own emissions, including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

That means we require a changeover in our economy as radical as happened in Britain in 1939, or America in 1943.


I was robbed by Howard Government with help of NSW Government and NSW Court system and Schapelle Corby paid the price as well.

William Moss here again, well the last court case finished on 4/3/2014, with another lying unfair judgment by Judge McCullam who also says in her judgment that Her Honour believe my story is true as to the drugs in Schapelle Corby's bag as did Judge Delaney in his judgment of 31/1/2008 [ said more likely then not the drugs in her bag were meant for William Miller had i done the job ], since ex PM John Howard protected News Ltd in 2005 through the NSW Court system i was never going to get the $250,000.oo owed to me by News Ltds, or damages by my solicitor Michael Croke how betrayed and defa


AMA, Australian Manufacturing Association

AMA, Australian Manufacturing Association operates in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide & Darwin due to these capital cities close proximity to ports & rail infrastructure. Australia is a continent & all continents should have a diversified manufacturing sector. When you import goods from overseas you use alot of valuable energy resources, energy resources which should be conserved for future generations.


Glasshouse covered solar roads

AUSI, Australien Universal Space Industries has proposed that all roads should be sealed in the respect that glasshouses should cover all of the roads so that when a vehicle omits pollution the glasshouse covered road can capture the pollution & use it for algaculture, the glasshouse itself should be covered with solar panels so the road can generate electricty as well.

Rape - global crisis, from India to the United States

Gerry Georgatos - 6.6.2014 - Rape and sexual violations are endemic crises - rife - yet unchecked by substantive education. We meander towards more checks as we unfold human rights and social justice vocabularies to catch up with one and all. In the meantime the human narrative is traumatised by one atrocity after another, and the multiple traumas from the permissibility of atrocity. Two cousins, aged 12 and 14 years were raped and then hanged last week in India. Yesterday, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Babulal Gaur described rape as a ‘social crime’.
