
Protest at BHP Billiton Melbourne office to mark AGM 09 in London - 29 October

Protesters gathered today at the Melbourne head office of BHP Billiton "in solidarity with communities around the world affected by BHP's mining activities, and to show dissent to the proposed expansion and proposed open pit at Olympic Dam uranium mine" (FoE Media release).

The rally also marked the release in London of an 'Alternative Annual Report':

[Quote from FoE media release]


Climate protest 350 by cyclists in Melbourne

Hundreds of cyclists gathered and rode through the city of Melbourne before forming '350' as a human sign to call on the Australian Government and politicians from other nation states for substantial CO2 emission reduction targets to reach the 350ppm CO2 level, regarded by many scientists as the safe level to avoid dangerous climate change.

Photos | Video


No to brown coal exports - Environmental groups protest at Parliament House

Environmental groups staged a snap protest at Parliament House today, Thursday October 22, in response to moves by Energy Minister Peter Batchelor to compound the disastrous impact of Victoria's brown coal industry by exporting millions of tonnes of the stuff to India and other developing nations ...

FOE: Community tells Premier: world does not need our dirty coal | Video of Protest |


Beverly protestors suing South Australian government

Ten people were in the South Australian Supreme Court this week asking for $630,000 in damages for being beaten with batons, locked in shipping containers and sprayed with capsicum spray by the para-military "Star Force" during a peaceful protest at the Beverly Mine site in 2000. Amongst those attacked was an eleven year old Adnyamathana girl and a Channel 7 news crew. Premier Mike Rann dismissed the claims saying the state had a right to be tough on "feral protestors" and "anarchists".


State government targets anti-coal protestors

Laws have been introduced into State Parliament which aim to crush non-violent civil disobedience to the coal industry in Victoria by boosting fines for trespass to $14,000 and up to one year in goal and boosting fines for “sabotage” to up to 2 years in gaol and a $28,000 fine. Peter Batchelor explicitly linked these changes to Electricity Industry Act to the success of the recent Hazelwood demonstration.

Geography: international day of action

On October 24, the International Day of Climate Action will cover almost every country on earth, the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet’s history with rallies, stunts and community actions all aiming to highlight the number 350. 350 parts per million is the safe level of C02 in the atmosphere identified by scientists beyond which humans face disaster. There are already over 140 actions planned for Australia.


Live independant coverage of G20 protests in Pittsburgh

In the "land of the free" a march protesting against the G20 in Pittsburgh was declared an illegal assmebly after it wasn't given a permit. Protestors have been attacked with pepper spray, rubber bullets, sound weapons and tear gas. There has also been some property damage been committed by demonstrators. Check out the live independant coverage from the G-Infinity website, a media project of Pittsburgh Indymedia
G-Infintiy -
Pittsburgh Indymedia -

Resistance is remembering - the S11 Demonstations in Melbournne

Remembering is an act of resistance - so lets not forget the S11 demonstations that occurred in Melbourne on September 11th-13th in 2000. As part of the global anti-corporate uprising occuring in the South and North, tens of thousands of Melbournians joined hands and armed to shut down the World Economic Forum in Melbourne. Significantly this demonstration also led to the birth of Melbourne Indymedia.
