climate change

Coping with Climate Despair: Rosemary Randall

What if you woke up one morning and realized humans really have changed the world's climate? We show no signs of stopping this unfolding catastrophe. Maybe you already see it, and cannot bear knowing.

We need help. And a pioneering psychotherapist from Britain says we can help each other. Starting in 2005, Rosemary Randall was was part of a team founding a movement called "Carbon Conversations".

We have a conversation with her now on Radio Ecoshock.
Listen to/download that 29 minute interview here.

Class action to end polluter handouts

It’s not every day that a bunch of primary school-aged kids get to take on an energy sector spokesman trying to sell the line that fossil fuels are good for people and good for the economy.

But in Help the Kids End Polluter Handouts , a funny and poignant video about a mock classroom scene in which a group of switched on children challenge “BHT-Tinto’s, Mr Whinehart”, they do just that- and to great effect.


Tasmania feels the autumn heat breaking March temperature records

Tasmania, that small island state of Australia that protrudes into the Southern Ocean, has recorded it's hottest March on record in over 100 years of temperature record keeping.

The mean March temperature across the state was 15.7C, breaking the 1974 record by 0.3 degrees and 2.2 °C above normal. The Bureau of Meteorology said in a statement "The state average maximum temperature was a March record of 21.0 (2.9 °C above normal and 0.9 °C above the previous record from 1974), and minimum temperatures were the 3rd-warmest for March at 10.3 °C (1.6 °C above normal)."

Moringa tree as a climate change mitigation strategy?

For hundreds of millions of people the threat of famine is connected to the change of the climate. The planting of trees, including the planting of the Moringa tree, can play one important role in mitigating the effects of climate change.There has been a time in history when humans used tens of thousands of vegetables, cereals, etc but today we rely on just a few cereals.

Kevin Trenbeth on the 2011 sea level bump and Australia's wettest 2 year period

Did you know that during 2011 sea level rise went into reverse and lost 5mm from the global oceans? No? How about that since then, much to the chagrin of climate deniers, sea level rise has accelerated from 3.18mm per year - the rate from 1993 to 2010 - to increase to 10mm per year over the last two years. This acceleration more than makes up for the pothole. The primary cause of this sea level 'speed bump' was the back to back La Nina which moved a phenomenal amount of water from the global oceans to the land. The water has since been making its way back into the world's oceans.

The question arises, does this explain the 10mm per year increase in sea level rise over the last 2 years? Is ocean thermal expansion or ice sheet melting perhaps contributing more? This may also be the start to an exponential sea level rise which NASA climatologist James Hansen has argued is a possibility. Rob Painting on Skeptical Science says that there is no evidence yet to suggest that ice loss from Greenland or Antarctica has added to the speed bump in any significant manner. We will have to wait and see what the impact of future El Nino or La Nina (ENSO) will be on sea level rise, and keep watching the rate of mass loss from the ice sheets.

Antarctic Peninsula summer melt season prolonged by global warming

The melt season on the Antarctic Peninsula has been getting much longer over the last 60 years, at some locations doubling in length according to the research lead by Dr Nick Barrand of the British Antarctic Survey. Increased melting season increases the melting stress of ice shelves which hold back significant glacier discharge and sea level rise.

Helen Caldicott: The meaning of Fukushima

From New York City: a dose of the awful truth from the long-term nuclear guardian, Dr. Helen Caldicott. In her time to speak on the second anniversary of the Fukushima Dai-ichi triple melt-down in Japan - Helen lays it out.

Due to increased radiation, toxic chemicals and climate change, life on earth is in the Intensive Care Unit.

Caldicott says it's up to us - we are all physicians for the Earth now. It's a powerful speech from a famous force for sanity.

Climate Space: Rethinking strategies to fight for our future

Open call to join the Climate Space at the World Social Forum in Tunisia, March 26-30, 2013

The 2013 World Social Forum will be held this March 26-30 in Tunisia, where only two years ago, a revolution began and resulted into a historic change that created a ripple effect on the region. Now, Tunisia is an inspiration to movements both old and new, across the globe.

Australian based company Ambre Energy pushing coal export in Oregon

Brisbane based coal company Ambre Energy is attempting to open up coal export business in Oregon in the US Pacific Northwest, but the locals aren't very impressed. Last Wednesday over 400 Oregonians rallied outside their Capitol building in Salem, Oregon to stop the Ambre Energy Morrow Pacific coal export project which would transport 8 million metric tonnes of coal annually by rail and barge down the Columbia river destined to be burnt in China, with the pollution returning by prevailing winds to the US and Canada.

Coal dust and climate change: Newcastle residents march against proposed T4 coal loader

Up to 1500 people attended a rally in Newcastle today in opposition to a fourth coal loading terminal being built. Gathering at Customs house at 10am, people marched to Civic Park, chanting 'our water, our health, more precious than your wealth' and 'one two three four, no to T4'. Protestors are concerned with the impact of coal mining on agriculture and water resources, coal dust pollution risks to public health, environmental concerns, and contribution to global climate change.
