
Why Is the Weather So Crazy?

It takes a lot of nerve to talk about global warming just after a blast of Arctic weather in the Northern Hemisphere. Of course Australia is into another hot one. But all our furnaces, air-conditioners, cars, and factories churn out even more warming gases day in and day out. It's going to catch up to us. Scientists report big changes are already occurring, well ahead of previous predictions.

We're back with one of our go-to guys on the cutting edge. Paul Beckwith has two Masters Degrees and is working on his Doctorate in climate science at the University of Ottawa.


"I spy with my little eye" [ audio ]

The era of Snowdon chronicled with sources from news media, movie excerpts, related songs and parodies

"The Abbotts" from 98.9 FM Indigenous Radio Brisbane -

Most non-news clips can be found uncut on youtube - keywords:
espionage, espionage history, secrecy, NSA songs, NSA parody, I spy with my little eye

Movie excerpts: Cypher, The Company, The spy who came in from the cold, Marvel's SHIELD agents, The spying game, Rise of the machines

Predatory Hedge Funds and Argentina Face Supreme Court Showdown in Landmark Global Poverty Case

Argentina is expected to appeal to the US Supreme Court by mid-February in response to a US 2nd Circuit Court ruling ordering the country to pay $1.33 billion to predatory hedge funds. The precedent the case sets will hurt poor countries in financial distress and could allow a small group of hedge funds to target assets that benefit vulnerable populations. At the same time, debt holders who restructured their debt with Argentina have hired lawyers to help negotiate the dispute between holdout hedge funds and Argentina.

Global trend to end death penalty is accelerating dramatically.

China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the USA are among the world's most prolific executioners. There have been recent executions or resumptions of death sentences after de facto moratoriums in countries such as India, Indonesia, Kuwait and Nigeria.

Which country will be the last to abolish the death penalty?

WGAR News: French Government presents human rights award to Indigenous Social Justice Association

Newsletter date: 17 December 2013


* Indigenous Social Justice Association (ISJA) open letter: Tenth anniversary of TJ Hickey death
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: French Government presents human rights laureate to the Indigenous Social Justice Association
* YouTube: French government recognises Indigenous human rights - NITV SBS

* Deaths In Custody Watch Commitee WA: Build Communities Not Prisons Campaign

* Aboriginal Legal Service of WA: ALSWA hopes report will lead to Aboriginal people being In Safe Custody

The Shortwave Report 12/13/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (December 13) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

The WTO pushes through bad deal; Developed countries and TNCs are the big winners

Bali, Indonesia - The 9th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) pushed through a Bali Package in the final hours, extending the Conference to December 7, but at the cost of the developing countries, the poor and the hungry.

Facilitating Trade for TNCs

Major uranium leak endangers Kakadu - but played down

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - - A million litres of radioactive slurry has contaminated Kakadu National Park from a burst tank at Ranger uranium mine. It is a significant toxic accident but it has surprisingly generated relatively minimal news coverage. It took the local Traditional Owners to break the news to Australia.
