
Sea Shepherd's Steve Irwin on its way to save the Kimberley's coast amidst allegations of sham politics to build the Gas Hub

Gerry Georgatos
The Sea Shepherd, Aboriginal Elders, Dr Bob Brown, the Australian Greens and Kimberley residents have condemned the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) report and recommendations on the proposal to give the go-ahead for the Browse Basin gas hub at James Price Point, and they described the environmental assessment process "as a sham."

"This report and (the) recommendations need to be rejected by the Federal Government. How can anyone expect the results of this sham of a process to be taken seriously?"


Possible Next PM Of Australia mp3

The opposition leader and his ilk satirized, parodied, commented and sung about

samples of:
Paul Mc Dermot Good News Week, Hamster Wheel, Little Britain, Clarke Dawe, S. Micalleff, Horrible Histories, "Madmonk" written by J. Bampton

29:23 mib 128 kbps stereo 28 MB

Lizard Rises Day Two - Stand off with police as mutants march

Day two (July 15th) of Lizards Revenge saw the numbers at the camp swell to around 500 people. A "zombie" or "mutant" march occurred as protestors tried to reach the "gates of hell" otherwise known as Olympic Dam. However the march was thwarted by police who would not let the Lizard sculpture (a converted car) with Uncle Kevin Buzzacott in it be pushed within the march. They said it violated the "no vehicle rule". A three hour stand off with police ensued before protestors abandoned attempts to reach the gates for the day. See good coverage of the march on the
ABC news including video
Related:Lizards Revenge Website -- Lizards Revenge on Facebook

The Flaw Of The Global Money Method mp3

Essay written by Graham and adapted for radio.

Analysis, and discussion of the method used to create global money.

The impasse of the economy versus the environment makes this discussion, relevant and urgent.

14:11 min 128 kbps stereo 13 MB


Australian government proposes sweeping Internet surveillance

Reposted from the WSWS By Mike Head 14 July 2012 Australia’s Labor government is pushing for unprecedented powers to intercept all Internet communications, in line with similar measures in the United States and Europe. Under the proposals, everything that Australians do on-line, from Skype calls to Twitter and Facebook posts, would be stored for up to two years so that the security agencies could explore the data.

The Shortwave Report 7/13/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (July 13) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

What's more important? The Queen's discontent or ten million Congolese dead and counting?

You cannot claim a moral compass if it is skewed and bent.

Our news media is crucial to our national consciousness, and to our children's form and content. An Australia-wide lead news item was the Queen's alleged discontent at honeymoon photos of her grandson being published.

However the news media makes just about zero mention of the 10 million Congolese who have been killed since 1996. Many of you will think, "10 million Congolese murdered? That's genocide, how wouldn't we know about this? This is more than 12 times the genocidal deaths in Rwanda during 1994.

Wrap up of the week's nuclear news

Information and source links for these items can be found at and at


South Australia. Police including anti terror unit now blocking off roads, despite agreeing to rights for huge protest rally at Olympic Dam uranium mine. People travelling from far and wide. Renowned film-maker David Bradbury will document events. Dr Helen Caldicott to give public speech at Roxby Downs

Bankers behind bars

Big banks have been caught in a massive scam to rig global interest rates, ripping off millions of people on their mortgages, student loans and more! We'd go to jail for this, but Barclays bank has only been fined, and just a fraction of their profits! Outrage is mounting -- this is our chance to finally turn the tide of the banks' reign over our democracies.