
De Pod 2012-07-21 mp3

Nachrichten Kommentar mit Wolfgang, Rainer's Grosskompost Versorgung

Audienz Verdrossenheit im kommerziellen Sport wie Tour de Farce und London Security Olympix, deutsche innen-politische Spannungen mit Diktatur von Karlsruhe ueber Europa ? Syrien und Orwell's permanenter Krieg und Ruestungs Geschaefte, Mordlust in Denver, die neue Laberal Partei, Erziehungs Politik anstatt Ruestungs Ausgaben was Amerika veraergert

No evidence to support Chen Guangchengā€™s ā€œbeatingā€ claims

From the outset, Chen seems to be just another Chinese dissident brutally treated by the authorities, however, there are more to that.

In the opening statement at the Council on Foreign Relation (31 May, 2012), Professor Cohen of the New York University made it clear that Chen ā€œhad never studied lawā€ when ā€œthe State Departmentā€ asked him to meet Chen nine years ago (that is in 2003).

The Shortwave Report 7/20 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (July 20) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, NHK World Radio Japan, and Spanish National Radio.

People smugglers they are not, lawful and heroes instead - we have to change the language

Gerry Georgatos
The misappropriation of language and abuse of semantics in reference to ā€˜perceived people smugglersā€™ has to begin to change so we do not further erode compassion, and continue to skew the moral compass, bend and circumvent the rule of law- domestic and international.


A history of mandatory detention - presented by the Refugees Rights Action Network Perth

As part of the 20th year anniversary of mandatory detention, Refugees Rights Action Network Perth hosted a special forum examining the history of mandatory detention of refugees, the case against it and the role activism has played in challenging it. Guest speakers included activists who have been involved in the campaign for 20 years, who have seen the political and public landscape surrounding refugees transform into what it is today. The growth and change of the campaign against it was also examined.

WGAR News: Lizards Revenge media updates from camp; Uncle Kevin Buzzacott declares Sovereignty

Newsletter date: 18 July 2012

* Background to the Lizards Revenge
* Lizards Revenge media updates from camp
* Video: Uncle Kevin Buzzacott declares Sovereignty
* Audio: The Wire - Protesters stand firm against uranium mining [Featuring: Uncle Kevin Buzzacott]
* Lizards Revenge in the media
* Indymedia: Solidarity Demo in London for Lizard's Revenge
* Background to expansion of Olympic Dam mine challenge
* Chris Graham: White manā€™s democracy is a black manā€™s dysfunction
* Other articles


- Background

Ethic of Western journalism: The evolution of Chen Guangchengā€™s ā€œescapeā€ stories

- 16 escape stories with only one that makes sense

The blind Chinese dissident, Chen Guangcheng has finally ā€œescapedā€ the ā€œbrutalā€ treatment of the Chinese ā€œregimeā€ and landed in the ā€œfreeā€ world. The world in particularly the American media called this a human rights win for America.