
Wikileaks: Garrett stood his ground on whaling compromise, Sea Shepherd tax status targeted

Cables released by wikileaks on January 1st, 2011 reveal Japan was pressuring the US Government to remove Sea Shepherd's tax exemption status as a sweetener to negotiating a compromise deal in the International Whaling Commission that would have reduced whale quotas but legitimated commercial whaling. The US Government and Japan were deeply involved in a compromise deal on whaling which would legitimate a commercial catch quota for Japan. Australia remained steadfast against any moves to legitimate whaling in the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary or Australian Antarctic Territory.

Related: Sea Shepherd on the wikileaks revelations

Happy New Kaputt Year mp3

collage, commentaries, and music

"earth cries" by karnage and darkness - Blak Traks 2010, North South East West by the, F**k this f**k that and Naturological by Futurehistrix, "You lied- the tangled web" by Yes Prime Minister

27:55 min 128 kbps stereo 25.6 MB

Sea Shepherd locates whaling fleet before the slaughter

For the first time in seven years of campaigning in the southern ocean Sea Shepherd have been able to locate 2 harpoon vessels in the whaling fleet before whaling was able to begin.

The Sea Shepherd vessels Bob Barker located on New Year's Eve 2010 an unidentified harpoon vessel on the edge of the Antarctic ice at 148 degrees west. Shortly after the Sea Shepherd flagship, the Steve Irwin, found the Japanese harpoon vessel Yushin Maru #2 sitting in the ice some 60 miles to the north.

Update: Indybay IMC: Whaling stymied by Sea Shepherd: First clashes among the Antarctic ice | Video: Dancing with Death Machines at the Bottom of the World
Wikileaks: Garrett stood his ground on whaling compromise; Sea Shepherd tax status targeted


Global Day of Action for Tasmania's Forest's II

Date and Time: 
Tue, 15/03/2011 -
7:00am to 5:00pm
Anywhere you want to hold an action!

Following the Global Action for Tasmania's forests on 15 December 2010, with the help of emails and actions in 52 cities in 21 countries around the world, the Tasmanian Government has announced a moratorium on the logging of High Conservation Value forests in Tasmania!

This is a tremendous victory for the conservation of nature BUT the devil is in the detail.

Don’t let them shut Glebe Post Office

The historic Glebe Post Office is going to be shut down for good in just a few weeks....unless the community says NO.

Australia Post has announced 27 post office closures around the country claiming many are no longer “profitable”.

Thousands of pensioners and people with disabilities will be affected by the decision to close Glebe Post Office.

Since when does a government owned community service organisation need to be "profitable"?

In any case shouldn't there be cross subsidization - the profitable post offices pay for the smaller ones?


Scientist warns against global warming complacency due to cold spells, floods

An Australian scientist has warned against misinterpreting the cold spells in Europe and North America and the heavy rains and flooding in Australia as climate change not occurring. Barrie Hunt, an Honorary Research Fellow with the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, said that seasonal cold spells will still be expected under enhanced greenhouse conditions and that the long term trend is that the global climate is warming.

Wharfies strike over conditions at Patrick Stevedores

Maritime Union of Australia members in Patrick Stevedoring facilities at Fremantle, Albany, Melbourne's Webb Dock, and Geelong have voted overwhelmingly to take protected action after a secret ballot conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission.

Wharfies in Fremantle took industrial action on the 27th December, with workers in Albany to follow on December 30. Webb Dock and Geelong have not yet provided notice when they are taking action.
