
Forty uranium mines is the plan for Western Australia

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - - Credible sources in the uranium sections of resource companies first told The Stringer, in February, of futurist uranium mining plans that are being deliberated by mining companies for Western Australia – which is rich in high grade uranium, and which is easily accessible in this infrastructure wealthy State. They described a burgeoning relationship with India, the world’s most populous nation, as a market for the uranium.


You Have Not Been Told the Truth About Global Warming

We dare to ask: why did global warming pause? New science shows it didn't. The paper is "Coverage bias in the HadCRUT4 temperature series and its impact on recent temperature trends" by Kevin Cowtan and Robert G. Way.

Sounds technical? Yes, the computational analysis was done by specialist Kevin Cowtan from the UK's University of York. But buried inside is record-breaking science that turns our understanding of heating upside down. Yes it HAS warmed greatly in the last decade!

Maoist Popularity Wanes in Nepal Election

Results for Nepal's national elections show its Maoist party has plummeted in popularity, coming in a distant third and suggesting the former rebels' influence has diminished in the South Asian nation.

The centrist Nepali Congress, one of the country's oldest political parties, won 2.4 million proportional votes, followed by the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist), which won 2.2 million votes, the Election Commission said Thursday.

Rosia Montana, Romania: Gold mining to relocate hundreds and cut two mountains in half.

Romania: Gold mining to relocate hundreds and cut two mountains in half.

Rosia Montana, an ancient settlement, tucked away in a remote valley South of Cluj-Napoca in Romania is being subjected to renewed pressures from international mining companies and the Romanian government.

There are massive environmental and human health concerns with this practice of mining all over the world.

Afghanistan considers reintroducing stoning, flogging for adulterers

Adghanistan is considering bringing back stoning-to-death for adultery, Human Rights Watch and the justice ministry says, possibly restoring a punishment in force during the Taliban's brutal regime.

The penalty for married adulterers, along with flogging for unmarried offenders, appears in a draft revision of the country's penal code being considered by the ministry of justice. Ashraf Azimi, the head of ministry's criminal law department, confirmed to AFP that stoning to death is included in the draft.

West Papuan National Day Goes Global

This Sunday the 1st of December 2013 events will be held across West Papua, Australia and the world to mark the day West Papua’s flag was first raised in preparation for Independence from the Dutch in 1961.

Global solidarity for a free West Papua is surging in the wake of the unprecedented public awareness generated by the Freedom Flotilla to West Papua and the occupation of the Australian Embassy in Bali during the APEC summit.

The Stringer weekly newsletter - November 29

Welcome to The Stringer’s weekly newsletter - NEWS update: The Stringer went live February 20, 2013. We are a not-for-profit independent news format. We believe in the importance of independent media with a bent for investigative journalism.

The Shortwave Report 11/29/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (November 29) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

Star chamber Government scuttles transparency & reverses Rudd UN decision on Israel/Palestine.

Courtesy of WikiLeaks - By Gerry Georgatos - Without informing, let alone consulting, the House of Representatives the inner circle of Prime Minister Tony Abbott has shifted what little support the previous Government, especially under Kevin Rudd, had for Palestine – to Israel.


Congo, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Vietnam, Sri Lanka - help us along

In recent months hundreds of children's wheelchairs have reached each of the Congo, Libya, Lebanon, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Syria. Leaving in the next several days are 506 children's wheelchairs for Pakistan. To donate to the Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation:
ANZ BSB: 016261 - ACC: 267255563
Any school, association, organisation or individual that would like to assist WFKids please contact me - 0430 657 309

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