
Web to go on strike on January 18th to stop SOPA

On Jan 24th, the U.S. Congress will vote to pass internet censorship in the Senate, even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed. We need to kill the bill - PIPA in the Senate and SOPA in the House - to protect our rights to free speech, privacy, and prosperity. We need internet companies to follow Reddit's lead and stand up for the web, as we internet users are doing every day.

On Jan 18th, sites will go dark to protest the internet censorship bills. Urge the biggest sites to join the strike. Sign the Petition. Participating? Add your site to the list, and spread the word.

The Shortwave Report 01/13/12 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 13) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, Spanish National Radio, and Radio Havana Cuba.

The simple facts on Australia's failure to stop the whale slaughter by the Japanese

Three activists, by boarding the Shonan Maru 2, have highlighted to the international news media the illegal whale-slaughters by the Japanese who argue that they are doing it in the name of scientific research. Campaigners against whale slaughter argue this is not true and a ploy to circumvent a 1978 international ruling prohibiting whale poaching for commercial use, effected as a moratorium by the International Whaling Commission in 1986.

Australia-Japan diplomatic crisis brewing over activists held on board whaling ship

In a press conference Sunday afternoon Federal Attorney General Nicola Roxon said that Government officials are in talks with Japanese authorities over the fate of the 3 Australians now held captive on the Japanese whaling security vessel Shonan Maru No2. She said the Government's primary concern was the safety of the three men.

On Sunday morning Forest Rescue activists boarded the Japanese whaling ship in solidarity with Sea Shepherd.

Forest Rescue will protect Warrup at all costs - hero activists from the forests, to the Kimberley, to the seas

Forest Rescue will protect Warrup at all costs

(south west newspaper article)

Gerry Georgatos

Bridgetown-Greenbushes Friends of the Forest (BGFF) have long warned that Warrup is in danger of being imminently logged. Conservation groups state wide have committed to protecting Warrup at all costs, even if it means arrests.

Forest Rescue activists board Japanese whaling ship in solidarity with Sea Shepherd

In the early hours of Sunday, January 8, three forest rescue activists boarded the Japanese whaling fleet security vessel Shonan Maru No 2 off Bunbury, Western Australia as an act of solidarity with Sea Shepherd in their campaign to stop Japanese commercial whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. While in the Antarctic Sea Shepherd activists from the Bob Barker continue to pursue and harass the main whaling fleet.

Related: Sea Shepherd Media Release - Three Australian prisoners detained on a Japanese whaler in Australian waters | Captain Paul Watson on Forest Rescue men go out on a limb for Sea Shepherd


3rd Anniversary Luke's Army Memorial Protest Against Child Protection Corruption

Date and Time: 
Wed, 18/01/2012 - 1:45am to Thu, 19/01/2012 - 11:45pm
All child protection offices world wide.
Contact Name: 
Michael Borusiewicz
Contact Phone: 
Contact Email:

Luke's Dad will continue to protest by entering crocodile infested waters until a royal commission is announced or he is eaten


Subscribe to the official Luke's Army youtube channel to receive the latest videos

Three Australian prisoners detained on a Japanese whaler in Australian waters

Sea Shepherd Press Release Jan 7th 2012 Early this morning The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society assisted Forest Rescue Australia in a complex and daring move to board the Shonan Maru #2 in waters off Bunbury, Western Australia

Honduras: environmentalist priest severely tortured by police

Honduras: Macuelizo, Santa Barbara

On 5 January 2012, hundreds gathered in solidarity with the priest Marco Aurelio Lorenzo and showed that Hondurans do not tolerate the continued persecution in the context of a coup regime

Priest Marco Aurelio Lorenzo is a recognised activist against environmental exploitation, defending the Merendón mountain ranges against corporate interests, as well as an advocate for the poor.