
WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 25 events from 2 April 2012

Newsletter date: 2 April 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 11 February 2012 to 26 May 2012: South Bank, Brisbane, Qld
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow
- Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970
Event description:
Event location:

Event: Intermittent 1 March - 3 May 2012: Various Locations
House of Representatives Committees
Inquiry into language learning in Indigenous communities


Rally for peace and nuclear disarmament, Brisbane: Palm Sunday

Rally for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, Inc
Mobile: 0414 671 730

Media Release
April 1, 2012

NO Uranium Mines in Queensland, NO Nuclear Waste Dumping or
U.S bases in Australia…

Palm Sunday Rally and March

Date: Sunday April 1, 2012
Time: 1pm
Place: Rally at Reddacliff Place
(Brisbane Square - George Street, top of Queen Street Mall) Followed by a march


Brisbane Sovereign Embassy: We need a 'Bran nu Dae'

National Indigenous Radio 23rd March 2012  Brisbane Sovereign Embassy, Musgrave Park | Location Map - Musgrave Park-- Interview ABC Radio 612 30 March -- Sydney Morning Herald: Pitching camp for a cultural cause - -
Related: Moree joins the list as Tent Embassies spread

The founder of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Brisbane says Indigenous people need to be heard on the issue of sovereignty. Musgrave Park in South Brisbane is the site of the third Aboriginal embassy to be set up across the country, with others already operating in Canberra and Perth.


QLD Youth Media Forum - Radio Active

Date and Time: 
Sat, 14/04/2012 -
9:30am to 6:00pm
4EB 140 Main St, Kangaroo Point, Brisbane, QLD 4169

Ever wanted to get involved in the media but weren't sure how to go about it and where to go?

Radio Active is a one day forum organised by Brisbane's 4EB Radio and the National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters' Council (NEMBC) to support youth participation in community broadcasting and assist them to develop a strong voice in the media. It’s a chance to meet other youth broadcasters from around the state, find out how you can get involved in radio and hear about media career pathways.


WGAR News: The Lizard's Revenge over uranium mine - Festival protest against Olympic Dam expansion

Newsletter date: 31 March 2012

* The Lizard's Revenge over uranium mine
* Interviews re Federal Court challenge over Muckaty
* Brisbane Tent Embassy Interview
* Nyoongar Tent Embassy Interviews
* Deaths in Custody research Interview
* Other articles


- Upcoming Event

Event: Sat 14 to Fri 20 July 2012: Olympic Dam, SA
The Lizard's Revenge:
Olympic Dam expansion music/art/festival/protest
"Sleeping underneath the ground there is an old lizard,
Kalta the sleepy lizard. The lizard ain’t so sleepy anymore.

This is the biggest untold story of the year

PM's staffer did not act alone: report
Canberra Times
Lisa Martin, AAP
February 1, 2012 .

A federal government source has contradicted Prime Minister Julia Gillard's statement that a former staffer acted alone when he passed on information to a third party that led to a security scare at an Australia Day event, an indigenous newspaper says.

Roundup of the anti-election campaign waged by some Brisbane anarchists

In the lead up to the Queensland State Election on March 24, a group of Brisbane Anarchists launched an anti-election campaign. In the week prior to the election, anarchists began pasting up a couple of thousand anti politician and anti voting posters all throughout the city. Political party placards erected throughout Brisbane were torn down or defaced with anarchist and anti politician messages. Anti-voting and anarchist graffiti was scrawled and sprayed across walls, billboards, electricity boxes and telephone booths.

WGAR News: Force used to suppress the Aboriginal sovereignty movement: Michael Anderson

Newsletter date: 27 March 2012


Nyoongar Tent Embassy in Perth:

* Nyoongar protesters have returned to Heirisson Island - 23 March

* Force used to suppress the Aboriginal sovereignty movement: Statement by Michael Anderson

* "Deep into the eyes of racism" - Nyoongar Tent Embassy - 22 March: Analysis by Gerry Georgatos

* Police invasion of Nyoongar Tent Embassy - 22 March: Video by Alex Bainbridge

* Nyoongars stand against land rights bribe and ongoing genocide: News by Treaty Republic

* The future of Portland Aboriginal tent embassy, Vic

WGAR News: Call for delegates to interim Aboriginal unity government assembly

Newsletter date: 24 March 2012
Last updated: 1 May 2012

* Call for delegates to interim Aboriginal unity government assembly
* GLW: Brisbane’s Aboriginal embassy deserves wide support
* Perth police invade Nyoongar Tent Embassy
* STICS: Aunty of deaths in custody victim speaks out against 'Stronger Futures'
* Photograph your feet and 'Stand For Freedom'
* More on Petition opposing an extension of NT Intervention
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 25 events from 24 March 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 11 February 2012 to 26 May 2012: South Bank, Brisbane, Qld
Exhibition: From Little Things Big Things Grow
- Fighting for Indigenous Rights 1920-1970
Event description:
Event location:

Event: Tue 28 February to Sun 25 March 2012: Adelaide, SA
Exhibition: Deadly: in-between heaven and hell
Tandanya NACI and Adelaide Festival