
Cairns abortion trial: pro-choice campaign gains momentum

Pro-choice supporters are intensifying their campaign in the lead up to the abortion trial which begins in Cairns on October 12. The Saturday before the trial will see a national day of protest aimed at pressuring the Bligh government to have the charges dropped and repeal the anti-abortion laws.

Pro-Choice Action Collective activist, Kathy Newnam said “the Cairns couple should not be facing trial, because the laws under which they are being tried should not exist. Women have the right to control their own bodies.


Climate banner at opening of Parliament

As all the members of parliament assembled in front of the House for the Opening of the new government this morning: they could not fail to notice the 10m banner screaming: CLIMATE EMERGENCY. [350] Why were we there, straining with the banner, in the wind? This new parliament has been elected by the Australian people with the expectation they will work at emergency speed to protect our ecosystems and economies from climate change.


BD News: Update on Julia Gillard's proposal for asylum-seeker pocessing in Timor-Leste

BACK DOOR Newsletter on Timor-Leste:

Australian PM's proposal for Asylum-seeker Processing in Timor-Leste:

21 September 2010

A collection of articles and news items about Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard's proposal to establish a processing centre in East Timor for people seeking asylum in Australia.

Please find below the latest twelve articles from the website.
To read the full article click on the relevant link.
Articles are in reverse chronological order.

Solidarity actions with the Villawood detainees

This is one reportback about a series of actions that took place in various parts of Sydney today in solidarity with the detainees at Villawood detention center - who were occupying the roof there in an act of defiance at their own incarceration and out of respect for Josefa Rauluni who had committed suicide there yesterday morning.

One detainee dead - protests continue at Villawood Detention Centre

In another tragic event in an Australian detention centre a 36 year old Fijian man has jumped to his death at the Villawood detention centre on the day he was to be deported. A number of Tamil and Afghan asylum seekers whose claims have been rejected and who were alsoupset at the treatment of the Fijian man then climbed on the roof at Villawood, threatening to jump. Their banner read "We need hope and freedom". A number of solidarity actions were organised in Sydney, including two people being arrested after locking on at the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Eventually the Tamil and Afghan asylum seekers got down off the roof, only to be replaced on the roof by a second group of Chinese detainees
Related: Sydney Morning Herald coverage - Solidarity protest - RISE updates on situation - Arrests at DIC - Melbourne Solidarity Protest Called


Food matters mp3

Impressions from the local market in the middle of nowhere

Tempeh factory with Josh and Kyla, science, history and health of food teaching with Jeanie, Music and chat with the Barkersvale Brothers.

length: 22:25 min 128 kbps stereo 20.6 MB