
Peace Activists face court over Talisman Saber arrests

UPDATE: ALL CHARGES DROPPED! Four Brisbane peace activists will appear in the Rockhampton Magistrates Court at 9am Monday, January 6, 2014 for charges related to resisting the 2013 Talisman Saber military exercise which took place July 15- August 5, last year. Jim Dowling, David Sprigg, Andy Paine, and Robin Taubenfeld were arrested on July 19 for lying on the road outside the Rockhampton Army Barracks.


Schapelle Corby is innocent - part 4

Schapelle Corby is innocent – part 4 – WikiLeaks cables, Judges, Government officials say so
by Gerry Georgatos - January 5th, 2014 - courtesy of The Stringer - http://thestringer.com.au/ Image of Schapelle Corby courtesy of adelaidenow.com.au

Last year, on September 26, an Indonesian Supreme Court Judge, Andi Ayyub Saleh said that Schapelle Corby should be released immediately from prison “given the anomal(ies) in that case.” Judge Saleh wrote a submission to the Indonesian President seeking through a presidential decree a sentence reduction for Ms Corby.


Hawke Cabinet decision on deaths in custody

Gerry Georgatos - Australians did not have to wait for the National Archives of Australia to release Cabinet papers (for 1987) to find out more about why the Government of Prime Minister Bob Hawke brought on what would become the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. There is nothing in the Cabinet documents that has not been widely known since Prime Minister Hawke moved on the dissent from the rising deaths in custody toll.


Schapelle Corby is innocent - parts 1, 2, 3

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesty of The Stringer - http://thestringer.com.au/ - (December 27, 2013 - PART ONE - SCHAPELLE CORBY IS INNOCENT) Schapelle Corby is innocent. Ms Corby has been let down by the Indonesian legal system, by the Australian Government, by the Australian Federal Police and by Australia’s Customs Service. During the last few years it became my personal witness how broken justice is in this nation when I came across Indonesian children in Australian adult jails.


Australia's coal expansion risks stranded assets with global warming

Australia's headlong expansion of coal mining for export carries substantial investment risks of stranding assets says a new report from Oxford University. Previous warnings regarding potential risks of a carbon bubble have been made by Carbon Tracker, PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and International Energy Agency (IEA).


Major uranium leak endangers Kakadu - but played down

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - http://thestringer.com.au/ - A million litres of radioactive slurry has contaminated Kakadu National Park from a burst tank at Ranger uranium mine. It is a significant toxic accident but it has surprisingly generated relatively minimal news coverage. It took the local Traditional Owners to break the news to Australia.


Forty uranium mines is the plan for Western Australia

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - http://thestringer.com.au/ - Credible sources in the uranium sections of resource companies first told The Stringer, in February, of futurist uranium mining plans that are being deliberated by mining companies for Western Australia – which is rich in high grade uranium, and which is easily accessible in this infrastructure wealthy State. They described a burgeoning relationship with India, the world’s most populous nation, as a market for the uranium.


QLD: G20 Dissenters form Action Network

As Australia assumes the G20 presidency prior to the summit in November next year, concerned community members announce the formation of the Brisbane Community Action Network G20 (BrisCAN-G20).

The network has formed to facilitate community responses and raise the profile of dissent to the G20 summit. BrisCAN-G20 will foster collaborations between community groups, support community action and provide commentary and critique of the G20 and Australia’s role in it.


Star chamber Government scuttles transparency & reverses Rudd UN decision on Israel/Palestine.

Courtesy of WikiLeaks - http://www.wikileaksparty.org.au/star-chamber-government-scuttles-transp... By Gerry Georgatos - Without informing, let alone consulting, the House of Representatives the inner circle of Prime Minister Tony Abbott has shifted what little support the previous Government, especially under Kevin Rudd, had for Palestine – to Israel.
