WGAR News: Australia - a continuing genocide? (24 Oct 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website: http://wgar.info/


Australia - a continuing genocide?
Gurindji workers' strike protesting the NT Intervention
New Defending Indigenous Rights website assists anti-intervention campaigning
Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
Public Discussion Forum: Deactivating Colonialism / Decolonising Activism
Other Aboriginal Articles


- Journal Article

Journal of Genocide Research: Australia: a continuing genocide?
Author: Damien Short
"Abstract: Debates about genocide in Australia have for the most part focussed on past frontier killings and child removal practices. This article, however, focuses on contemporary culturally destructive policies, and the colonial structures that produce them, through the analytical lens of the concept of genocide. ... Concurring with these views the article argues that the contemporary expression of continuing genocidal relations in Australia can be seen principally, and perversely, in the colonial state's official reconciliation process, native title land rights regime and the recent interventionist 'solutions' to indigenous 'problems' in the Northern Territory. ."


- Media Releases

Greens MPs: Greens back strike by Gurindji workers in NT
20 Oct 10: "The Australian Greens have voiced their support for Gurindji workers who will strike today to protest against the Northern Territory intervention. The workers will be joined by residents from the remote Aboriginal communities of Kalkaringi and Dagaragu. Greens spokesperson for Aboriginal Issues, Senator Rachel Siewert says the Government’s failure to deliver the jobs promised to replace the abolished Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) is unacceptable. “The CDEP jobs were essential to the operations and daily life in many towns in the Northern Territory. They provided services to residents as well as skills and empowerment and responsibility to workers,” Senator Siewert said."

NATSIEC's Blog: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission
NATSIEC Statement of Support for the Gurindji strike
19 Oct 10: "The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission (NATSIEC) would like to send a message of support and solidarity to the Kalkaringi and Dagaragu communities for your protest against the Intervention. We are concerned to hear about the negative impact of the Intervention measures on your communities and how these measures are causing hardship. We are particularly concerned about the dismantling of community assets and initiatives. This is a story common to many communities across the Northern Territory."

Stop the Intervention: Gurindji strike against Government Intervention
18 Oct 10: "On Wednesday 20th October Gurindji workers and residents from the remote Aboriginal communities of Kalkaringi and Dagaragu will stop work and stage a protest against the NT Intervention. Gurindji leaders are saying that the closure of the Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP), local government reforms and the seizure of land and assets under the Intervention have had a devastating impact on the community. The Labor government promised to phase out remaining CDEP programs and transition Aboriginal workers into ‘real jobs' but instead hundreds have been forced onto income management and local services are struggling or have collapsed."

- Audio

Indigenous radio station 98.9FM Brisbane
Let's Talk - Indigenous presented talkback:
21 Oct 10: "John Leemans: Karen Dorante spoke with Gurindji Protest Spokesperson, John Leemans. They spoke about Gurindji Protests and the Northern Territory Intervention."
Listen to this interview on-line:

CAAMA - Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association
CAAMA Radio online news 21-10-10
21 Oct 10: "Kalkaringi protest against Intervention into remote Aboriginal communities."

SBS Audio and Language: Aboriginal: Gurindji Walkoff
20 Oct 10: "It's beng called history repeating itself - with Gurindji workers and residents from the remote communities of Kalkaringi and Dagaragu stopping work to stage a protest against the Northern Territory Intervention. Dagarau is the site of the original Wave Hill walkoff, where Gurindji stockmen went on strike to fight for better lviing conditions, equal wages and the return of traditional homelands. National rallies for "Jobs With Justice" will also be held on October 29, 2010. John Leemans speaks with Michelle Lovegrove."

- Article

Solidarity: Cuts to CDEP slash jobs in Aboriginal communities
Oct 2010: "John Leemans is another Gurindji man reviving the spirit of the walk-off. He is organising a protest in the community on October 20 to demand an end to the NT Intervention and for serious investment in employment and community development. Gurindji workers will then travel to Alice Springs to join a National Day of Action on October 29. The NDA has the support of the LHMU, CFMEU and MUA. John told CAAMA radio, “Too many people have lost their jobs. Now they are making people work for the BasicsCard. What more harm are they going to do to us?” “Everyone knows about the Wave Hill walk-off. Now the old people are seeing it’s going back to those days again. A lot of young people are very angry. We need to fight again”." Carl Taylor and Paddy Gibson

- News

Koori Mail: Gurindji strike echoes historic walkoff
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
20 Oct 10: "GURINDJI workers and residents from the remote Northern Territory Aboriginal communities of Kalkaringi and Dagaragu will today stop work and stage a protest against the NT Intervention. Gurindji leaders say the closure of the Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP), local government reforms and the seizure of land and assets under the Intervention have had a devastating impact on the community."


About Defending Indigenous Rights
"Welcome to the Defending Indigenous Rights website.
This site is intended as a resource for groups and individuals around Australia campaigning against the Northern Territory Intervention. The Intervention into Aboriginal communities in the NT was introduced by the former Coalition government in June 2007. It has continued - and in many cases been extended - under the federal Labor governments. In response to large numbers of Aboriginal people affected by the laws declaring it racist, unwelcome and harmful, campaigning groups around the country sprang up, working in solidarity with the NT communities and building a movement to demand the government fully repeal the intervention laws. For more information about the NT intervention and the campaign against it, visit one of the links provided. This website will help groups around the country, as well as communities and individuals, share information about upcoming campaign events, poster designs, fundraising appeals and other resources. ... "


- Media Releases

ANTaR - Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation:
ANTaR launch of ‘A Better Way: Success stories in Aboriginal community control in the NT’
22 Oct 10: "Community-control and genuine engagement must at the heart of a long-term sustainable community development strategy if governments are to partner effectively with Aboriginal people and successfully respond to the challenges facing Northern Territory communities. This will be the key message at the launch on Tuesday of ANTaR’s publication, ‘A Better Way: Success stories in community control in the Northern Territory’. ...
Event details:
What: Launch of ANTaR publication: A Better Way: Success stories in community control in the Northern Territory.
When: 10am, Tuesday 26 October, 2010.
Where: Northern Territory Supreme Court foyer, State Square, Darwin.
Who: Speakers include:
* Olga Havnen – Head of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy, Red Cross
* John Paterson – Executive Officer, Aboriginal Medical Service Alliance NT (AMSANT)
* Jonathan Hunyor – Principal Legal Officer, NAAJA"

Greens MPs: Divert income management millions to NT child protection: Greens
20 Oct 10: "The Australian Greens are calling for money being wasted on income management in the Northern Territory to be diverted and used to deal with the crisis facing the Territory’s child protection service. Senator Rachel Siewert, Greens spokesperson for Aboriginal Issues says the report from the Inquiry into the Northern Territory’s Child Protection System outlines a disturbing situation, and that implementing the long list of recommended actions would be far more effective than continuing expensive and ineffective income quarantining. “Despite serious concerns about the negative impact of income management, the Government have set aside $410 million to pay for the program,” Senator Siewert said today."

- Articles

Australian: Another indictment of neglect
20 Oct 10: "THAT employment is up in Northern Territory indigenous communities is good, demonstrating some success for Canberra's intervention program. But it is not good enough, given that everything that occurs in indigenous policy must be assessed against the 2007 Little Children are Sacred report, which detailed the extent of abuse in the Territory."

Crikey: Government more ready to fund bureaucrats than welfare recipients
12 Oct 10: "Income management is coming to a place near you - eventually. The whole Northern Territory is already an "experiment" as more welfare payment recipients (indigenous and not) are being included in the program, willy nilly. The extension of the program has occurred despite strong opposition from many sources and a singular lack of valid evidence of improvements in child well-being ... " Eva Cox

Arena: Embedded Anthropology and the Intervention
Sep 2010: "In June 2007, the Federal government staged a dramatic military-like take over of Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory, which was orchestrated around a moral panic concerning allegations of pedophile rings and the sexual abuse of children. Exploiting a growing public awareness of serious social problems in remote Indigenous communities, the subsequent measures known as the Northern Territory Intervention were exempted from the Racial Discrimination Act. Many of the measures had little to do with violence and the protection of children from sexual abuse." Barry Morris and Andrew Lattas

- Audio

ABC The World Today: Calls for intervention group to be reconvened
13 Oct 10: "A former member of the Northern Territory Intervention Taskforce says the group should be restored to get the intervention back on track. The ophthalmologist, Dr Bill Glasson, was one of six members of an emergency committee brought together to manage the first stage of the intervention in 73 remote Northern Territory communities. But since it was disbanded, there have been reports of large increases in the number of public servants employed by the Commonwealth and the Northern Territory governments to oversee the intervention. Doctor Glasson says it's 'frightening', and that the built-up bureaucracy is 'constipating' any progress on the ground."

- News

ABC: Porn, grog ban signs 'not legally required'
22 Oct 10: "Signs in remote Indigenous communities declaring "No pornography and alcohol" are not legally required under the federal intervention in the Northern Territory, the Department of Indigenous Affairs has told a Senate estimates committee."

Koori Mail: Greens: Scrap income quarantining
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
21 Oct 10: "THE Australian Greens say money being 'wasted' on income management in the Northern Territory should be spent instead on dealing with the crisis facing the Territory's child protection service. Greens Senator Rachel Siewert says addressing the 147 recommendations of this week's Bath Inquiry report would be more effective than continuing expensive and ineffective income quarantining at a cost of $410 million."

Koori Mail: Peak health body welcomes child protection report
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
20 Oct 10: "NT Aboriginal health service peak organisation AMSANT says the report of the Bath Inquiry in child protection in the Northern Territory could herald a new era in working with Aboriginal people in battling child abuse and neglect. AMSANT CEO John Paterson says there are no quick fixes to the issues raised in the report but the involvement and collaboration of Aboriginal people will be key."

Koori Mail: Opposition: Report exposes Labor’s failures
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
20 Oct 10: "FEDERAL Opposition spokesman for families Kevin Andrews says the report of the Bath Inquiry into child protection shows the former Howard Government’s intervention in the Northern Territory was justified. But Mr Andrews says that ,while there’s been an increase in bureaucrats under Labor, there's been little actual improvement in outcomes."

Koori Mail: Feds pledge $34 million towards NT child protection
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
19 Oct 10: "THE Federal Government has announced $34 million to boost measures to protect children from neglect and abuse in the Northern Territory, following the release of the Bath Inquiry report yesterday. Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin says the funds will be put towards increasing the number of parents on child protection income management, provide additional family support services, boost child protection workers in remote communities and strengthen alcohol controls."

SMH: Minister launches critical report
18 Oct 10: "A report slamming income management as coercive has been launched by the federal minister in charge of welfare. Anglicare Australia's annual state of the family report said Labor's welfare quarantining policies did little to address entrenched poverty. "The social security system is not the appropriate system to use to try to force people to change their behaviour," it said. "There is a lack of empirical evidence that the policy actually works to improve outcomes for children or communities.""

ABC: Bureaucracy 'constipating' NT intervention
13 Oct 10: "A former member of the Northern Territory intervention taskforce says the group should be restored to get the intervention back on track. Ophthalmologist Dr Bill Glasson was one of six members of an emergency committee brought together to manage the first stage of the intervention in 73 remote NT communities. But since it was disbanded, there have been reports of large increases in the number of public servants employed by the Commonwealth and the Northern Territory governments to oversee the intervention. Dr Glasson says the built-up bureaucracy is "constipating" any progress on the ground."

NT News: NT climate good for bureaucrats
12 Oct 10: "BUREAUCRAT numbers have ballooned in the Northern Territory since the federal intervention. The number of public servants employed by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs alone have more than doubled. Yesterday FaHCSIA defended its expanded size, which has seen its executive ranks swell from 50 to 139 people employed on a pay scale that ranges from $74,953 to $205,325."

NT News: Mobile homes get move on
12 Oct 10: "A DIRE staff housing shortage has led to a remote shire taking up the tools to create a program that will see transportable houses built and on site within 14 weeks. East Arnhem Shire is building houses in Darwin, barging them fully furnished and setting them up onsite for an estimated $350,000 as part of its modular transportable building program. By comparison, the Federal and NT governments' Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program (SIHIP) is building houses in remote areas for an average of $450,000." Alyssa Betts

Australian: Bureaucrats 'too remote' from indigenous front line
12 Oct 10: "MORE evidence has emerged of bureaucratic wastage in indigenous programs in the Northern Territory. Doctors, police and teachers' unions have complained that an overly complex public service was thwarting frontline workers in the task of combating indigenous disadvantage. The Australian Medical Association said yesterday that doctors and other health workers based in remote communities were becoming increasingly frustrated at the over-governance of remote programs." Natasha Robinson

ABC: Welfare quarantine plan causing 'major concern'
9 Oct 10: "The National Welfare Rights Network says a federal program to quarantine the welfare payments of people who neglect their children will not work unless it is coupled with measures to help families. The Federal Government says Northern Territory parents who neglect their children will have 70 per cent of their welfare payments managed on a Basics Card. The Government is using the results of a trial from Western Australia to support the case for expanding income management. But Kate Beaumont from the Welfare Rights Network says it is not a fair comparison."

Koori Mail: Govt lauds income management trial
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
8 Oct 10: "THE Federal Government says an independent evaluation shows that a trial of child protection and voluntary income management in Western Australia is improving the lives of children and families. It says 61 per cent of 328 people forced on to the scheme in the name of child protection, and 67 per cent of 803 people who went on it voluntarily said income management had improved their children's lives."

- Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Northern Territory National Emergency Response: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Territory_intervention

Defending Indigenous Rights: http://defendingindigenousrights.wordpress.com/

Intervention walk-off's Blog: http://interventionwalkoff.wordpress.com/

IRAG (Intervention Rollback Action Group): http://rollbacktheintervention.wordpress.com/

Jobs with Justice: http://jobswithjustice.wordpress.com/

STICS (Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney): http://stoptheintervention.org/

WGAR (Working Group for Aboriginal Rights): http://wgar.info/


- Videos

YouTube: Gary Foley: 'Educate YOURSELF, then educate the people'
5 Sep 10: "Aboriginal historian, activist and leader, Gary Foley, explains the do's and don't's of white activism. 100% Juice from an inspiring orator, and priceless advice for all would-be allies of Indigenous people in the struggle for justice. Filmed during the public discussion forum: 'Deactivating Colonialism / Decolonising Acivism' convened by Clare Land at MAYSAR (Melbourne Aboriginal Youth, Sport and Recreation), Fitzroy: August 31st, 2010."

YouTube: Advice for white Indigenous activists in Australia (Gary Foley)
5 Sep 10: "Aboriginal historian, activist and leader, Gary Foley, explains the do's and don't's of white activism. 100% Juice from an inspiring orator, and priceless advice for all would-be allies of Indigenous people in the struggle for justice."

YouTube: Advice for white Indigenous activists in Australia (Robbie Thorpe)
5 Sep 10: "Veteran Aboriginal activist Robbie Thorpe explains the do's and don't's for white activists who are aspire to work as allies in the Indigenous struggle for justice."

YouTube: Genocide = ecocide
5 Sep 10: "Veteran Indigenous activist Robbie Thorpe explains the do's and don't's for white activists who are aspire to work as allies in the Indigenous struggle for justice."


- Articles

Crikey: Our black health gap: less spent on primary aboriginal health
12 Oct 10: "Spending on primary health care for indigenous Australians is significantly less per person than for the rest of the population, despite an 11-year gap in life expectancy. The Australian Medical Association says the new data shows mainstream primary health services are failing indigenous Australians, with services not delivering adequate care or value for money." Jane Vashti Ryan

- News

NIRS - National Indigenous Radio Service: Maralinga compensation claim
22 Oct 10: "The Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement in South Australia is calling on the state and federal governments to fund compensation claims in the Maralinga case."

Koori Mail: Aboriginal war memorial for Warnambool
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php
20 Oct 10: "VICTORIA’S first public Aboriginal war services memorial, and only the second one nationally, will be dedicated in Warrnambool next month. The new memorial will recognise local Aboriginal men and women who’ve served in Australia's military since World War One including the first Aboriginal commissioned officer Captain Reginald Saunders and members of the Lovett family."

ABC: Stolen Generations renew call for compensation
8 Oct 10: "Members of the Stolen Generations have gathered in Darwin to talk about their lives and call for compensation from the Federal Government. About 30 people marched along Darwin's Mitchell Street under a banner that read: "Saying sorry is not enough." The rally marks almost 100 years since child removal laws were enacted in the Northern Territory."

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)