
CSIRO: South East Australia becoming drier, global warming implicated

A new report into the changing climate of South East Australia and particularly the Murray Darling Basin indicates an increasing risk of below average rainfall and runoff into streams and generally drier conditions. The change in the climate has, at least in part, been attributed to an increase in atmospheric anthropogenic greenhouse gases associated with global warming.

Related: Climate scepticism, anthropogenic global warming and drought in south east Australia | Study predicts extreme drought conditions worsening globally with climate change

Study predicts extreme drought conditions worsening globally with climate change

Extreme Drought and aridity is likely to increase within decades across much of Africa, Australia, North and South America, South west Asia, and around the Mediterranean Sea according to a new study by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientist Aiguo Dai.

Earlier research published in 2005 by Aiguo Dai and scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in the USA found that Global Warming is a major factor in Drought increasing globally.

New study estimates economic value of wetlands conservation

What value our wetlands? How do you value a wetlands environment? How do you value the indirect ecosystem and biodiversity benefits of having healthy wetland environments? An economic study of the Hattah wetlands within the Hattah-Kulkyne National Park in northern Victoria attempts to answer these questions putting a direct economic value of $14.5 million dollars per year for maintaining the Hattah Lakes in a healthy state with adequate water levels.

Related: Protection of Murray River redgum wetlands 'sold down the river' by NSW government


Melbourne water supply at risk from golf course development

Eastern Golf Club is on the move. They are moving from their currently location at Doncaster and are planning to move to a new site at Yering. The sale of their land at Doncaster is expected to raise $100 million and is Australia's largest golf club sale.


Water. The early Christmas present for Melbourne.

Water restrictions have been eased, and there seem to be no critics of this decision. But should this really be the case? Or am I out of touch? The ABC calls it "An early christmas present for Melbourne." In Melbourne water capacity is only at 37.4%. When the catchments are less than half full, is it appropriate that more people should be able to water their gardens? Is this really neccassary? Is it a waste? Our roses will look beautiful again.


Proposed dam stopped in Australia

By the Save the Mary Coordinating Group and Diet Simon

A 2007 report by the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology, Sydney and Cardno Brisbane, found supply and demand options being implemented in Southeast Queensland sufficient to ensure adequate water supplies until about 2030 without the need for a Traveston dam.

Related: Gympie Times - Group wades in on debate


North South pipeline threatens protected species


The compliance report on the controversial North South pipeline prepared by the Sugarloaf Pipeline Alliance shows that the known or possible habitats of a number of vulnerable species, including Matted Flax-lily, the Golden Sun Moth, Striped Legless Lizard, and Growling Grass Frog have been compromised during the construction of the pipeline.


"Queensland Premier gambles billions on Southeast Queensland water security"


Today, in what amounts to an admission that Traveston Crossing dam is not essential for Southeast Queensland's water security, Anna Bligh told reporters that without a successful fishway for lungfish, Traveston Crossing dam would not go ahead.


Wonthaggi protest highlights desalination issue for Melbourne

One person was arrested when protesters carrying two banners walked onto the Desalination Plant proposed site near Wonthaggi on May 9. The occasion was a rally at the gates of the proposed site organised by Watershed Victoria and Melbourne supporters.

Photos on Flickr | Action: Get Real on Climate Change | FoE
