opinion pieces

Foley's Folly

There’s a certain satisfaction that comes from knowing that the former South Australian treasurer for Mike Rann’s ALP government, Kevin Foley, is the now head of Foley Advisory - a consultancy firm for the development industry. A post-parliamentary career ‘advising’ developers (advising what exactly? How to assimilate development aspirations with government policy? How to cut re…) certainly seems to confirm criticisms that the Rann Government was resolutely pro-development industry. Maybe call this the ‘We told you so’ affectation.


Calling all artists and aspiring writers- Get published in Vibewire!!

For years the humble writer has begged and hoped for the day when they would be accepted into the world of publishing. For years writers have sheltered from the cold in tiny tents made from their own failed scripts and unpublished Harry Potter fan fictions.

You don't want to end up like them, the losers, the ones who never get the girls in those bad rom-coms, they all started off like you -an unpublished writer.