Greens (WA)

WGAR News: State Government community closure reforms all PR and no substance: Kimberley Land Council, Western Australia

Newsletter date: 12 May 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Kimberley Land Council: State Government community closure reforms all PR and no substance
* Analysis / Opinion: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Don't believe them; They will close Homelands - the only 'consultations' should be about equality
* Media Release: Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: State Government is far too late to try and 'consult' with remote Aboriginal communities about their closures

WGAR News: Vinka believes it's crucial to empower the next generation to create a healthy community that celebrates culture, cares for country and builds opportunities.

Newsletter date: 6 May 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Jon Altman, New Matilda: The Hunt For The Good Life: A Black Perspective

* Video - Vinka's story: Ella Archibald-Binge, SBS News: Home-grown Derby girl to be town's first Aboriginal doctor [Vinka's story is featured on Living Black: Kimberley Healing this week.]