
Australia's obstructionist role causes developing countries to walk

Copenhagen. Dec 14, 2009. Australia and Japan are currently blocking movement on legally binding emissions reductions for rich countries, which has precipitated in the G77 group of 130 developing countries walking out of climate negotiations unless talks on a second commitment period to the Kyoto Protocol are prioritized ahead of broader discussions under a second LCA track. A Flashmob of support by civil society for the African and island nations walkout was held in the convention centre.


Australia part of rich cabal - “Circle of Commitment” trashing climate talks

In a bizarre twist on the second day of Copenhagen talks, it has been revealed that Australia is part of a cabal of rich polluting nations including the UK, U.S. and Denmark called the “Circle of Commitment” planning a new agreement that favours the rich nations and sidelines the UN.

The Guardian newspaper has leaked the contents of the draft final agreement prepared by the Circle of Commitment (which sounds like an evil group of villains from a Bond movie!).
