
To show Financial Crisis stems from UN: ethical human rights required.

To show Financial Crisis stems from UN: ethical human rights required.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
(0064) (09) 940.9658

I posted the following on the social networking sites and because of its importance and ‘immediacy’ I am alerting readers to my findings before it can be fully explained.

The post states:

"Statistics show Financial Crisis (2009) was due to ideological shift at UN to Asia and greater good at the expense of trickle down and growth in West. Ethical individual human rights required".


Ausfailia: Aus-fail-ia ...abstained on UN vote for Palestine

By Douglas Chalmers...

Nothing can excuse Australia, a white supremacist settler society fantasy-land just like the fake state of Israel, which did NOT have the decency to vote FOR the rights of PALESTINIANS, uhh... that is the way of a fading Anglo colony living in the past and hanging onto the USA's coat-tails....

'Grassroots up, not Beehive down' for Chch - reflects ethical, bottom-up, human rights

'Grassroots up, not Beehive down' for Chch - reflects ethical, bottom-up, human rights

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)

Thank you to Australia indymedia for your support. Posted the following on the social networking sites yesterday:


Why Books Are Better Than Webpages

Alot of work goes into writing a book, a topic is presented & covered thoroughly, you receive deep insight into a topic when you read a book. A book is also made of paper & paper is a environmentally sound product, where as electronic goods are the result of high energy consuming mining & unsustainable global industrial process's & trade. Electronic goods make it easier for someone to compile a book & the end result is a piece of work where a topic is presented & covered thoroughly.

WGAR News: "Aboriginal Legal Services from around Australia welcome Justice Reinvestment Inquiry"

Newsletter date: 29 November 2012


* ALS News: Aboriginal Legal Services from around Australia welcome Justice Reinvestment Inquiry
* Congress welcomes Justice Reinvestment Inquiry
* ANTaR: Senate inquiry to explore smarter approach to crime
* Amy McQuire: Committee to probe smarter approach to tackling crime
* Greens Senator Penny Wright: Senate to investigate new approach on crime

* Original Sovereign Tribal Federation: Native Title - Who gets what and how - in simple terms
* Background to Mabo and Native Title

Why Global Trade Is Not Working

Australia is the world's highest carbon emitter, for Australians are the world’s worst CO2 emitters per capita. The decision to ratify the Kyoto Protocol has not been enough, alot more needs to be done.

The main reason why Australia is the world’s worst CO2 emitter per capita is that Australia relies heavily on global trade.

WGAR News: Don’t abandon us as you did in other Royal Commissions (By NIT reporter Geoff Bagnall)

Newsletter date: 27 November 2012

* Geoff Bagnall: Don’t abandon us as you did in other Royal Commissions
* Gerry Georgatos: Conflict allegations surface in Yindjibarndi, Fortescue battle
* Background to the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC)
* SBS World News Australia: Indigenous domestic violence concerns UN
* Speech by Muriel Bamblett at Melbourne launch of 'A Decision to Discriminate'
* Adelaide CBD Book Launch to mark International Human Rights Day: 'A Decision to Discriminate'
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles

From hidden to face-to-face: Seeking truth and global ethical human rights.

From hidden to face-to-face: Seeking truth and global ethical human rights.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940 9658

The following post, dated 26 November, 2012, is a continuation of the discussion on Facebook between myself and Jennifer Chim, President and Founder of the World Peace Elite Association (WPEA).
