South Australia

Royal Commission or bust on the AWU scandal and Prime Minister Julia Gillard - there is no other way

ROYAL COMMISSION or bust into AWU scandal and Prime Minister Julia Gillard, it goes to the highest office in the country with too many involved - from Gillard, Shorten, Ludwig, Roxon and others and of course McClelland too. The questions out there are so many, the allegations everywhere that not having a Royal Commission is bull dust and a different set of rules for the privileged and the elite.

Go to:

and for today's news:

Understanding Brian Butler and Lateral Love

William Brian Butler was born 13th September 1938 at the Bagot Detention Centre in Darwin, Northern Territory

My mother Emily Anne was born Annie Lawrie and my grandmother Eliza Gordon was born Lady Wilson and are of the Aranda tribe and my grandfather Toby is of the Luritja tribe from the Uluru and Areyonga areas.

My tribal name is Jangala.

Nana Eliza Gordon and her sister Nana Mabel Smith, my mother Emily Ann Gordon and her sister, my auntie Mavis Webb were taken from their homeland at Altunga east of Alice Springs in central Australia.


CLIMATE of DEATH - justice denied means more will die

CLIMATE of DEATH - justice denied means more will die, by Gerry Georgatos (courtesy of the National Indigenous Times -

"We have to get rid of racist cops. I don't want to dwell on the past but I have grown up bitter," said Nyungar Elder Ben Taylor. Mr Taylor is on the mark when he says, "They have been killing our people for two hundred years."


South Australian parliament in a middle of the night ram raid smashes Aboriginal rights

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy National Indigenous Times -
“The South Australian Lower and Upper Houses snuck through a Bill to steal away Indigenous rights in winding back the clock two decades. It was racism as Indigenous people were tossed aside,” said SA Indigenous Association president and Nunga Elder, Alison Thorne.

The SA Parliament stunned its Aboriginal peoples by voting to axe the right of Aboriginal peoples – Native Title holders and claimants – to negotiate over oil and gas activities on their Traditional Lands.


Background to Income Management for APY Lands in South Australia

APY Lands: Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (remote N-W of South Australia)

Last updated: 27 October 2013

WGAR News: Tracker's Brian Johnston: Reality in APY Lands different from media agenda campaigns (9 Oct 11)

WGAR News: More on APY Lands (16 Oct 11)
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WGAR News: More on APY Lands (26 Oct 11)

WGAR News: "Labor Government is set to introduce income management in APY Lands" CAAMA

Newsletter date: 12 September 2012

* CAAMA: Labor Government is set to introduce income management in APY Lands
* The Hon Jenny Macklin MP: Income management for APY Lands
* Background to Income management for APY Lands
* NIT: United Nations letter reveals Intervention concerns remain
* Emma Murphy: Assimilation lies at the heart of NT intervention
* Maggie Knight: Driving In The NT
* Interview with Rollo Manning on pharmacies in remote NT communities
* Stop the NT Intervention Videos - Sorry means you won't do it again

WGAR News: "What’s a group of Aboriginal elders and community leaders doing in Canberra this week?"

Newsletter date: 24 August 2012

* Bryan Andy, AIA: What’s a group of Aboriginal elders and community leaders doing in Canberra this week?
* SBS: Indigenous rents bungled under NT Intervention
* CAAMA: Amnesty’s Monica Morgan discusses Stronger Futures Bill
* Speech by Greens NSW MP Cate Faehrmann: Northern Territory Intervention
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* SBS World News: Paying the Price: The battle for James Price Point

Activists obstruct the Margiris

BREAKING NEWS: Super trawler hits Australia. Greenpeace takes action.

This morning Greenpeace activists intercepted controversial Dutch super trawler, FV Margiris, and attempted to stop it sneaking into Port Lincoln Harbour in South Australia. The activists' inflatable boat was rammed out of the way and some of their ropes cut, but their determination remains to stop this super trawler plundering Australia’s oceans.

Over the past few weeks, as the Margiris drew closer to Australia, community outrage has swelled. The government has started to listen, but we still need it to act.


WGAR News: Aboriginal professor blasts Australia over land rights and the NT intervention

Newsletter date: 20 August 2012

* Sovereign Union: Townsville professor blasts Australia over land rights and Intervention at international conference
* NIT: It’s a resounding no to Mal Brough
* Duncan Kennedy, BBC: Debate over Australia welfare 'credit card'
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Peter Robson: NT elections: some progressive choices among law and order slugfest
* Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation: Federal Court highlights FMG liability at Solomon

WGAR News: "Stronger Futures legislation may not comply with Australia's human rights obligations"

Newsletter date: 3 August 2012

* Amnesty: Resolutions passed at our 2012 National AGM
* Background: Calls for 'Stronger Futures' laws to be subject to Human Rights scrutiny
* Geoff Scott: In the Trenches: A nation united in harming our most vulnerable
* Tracker: UN pressure continues on Gillard’s Stronger Futures
* More 'Stronger Futures' Legislation related articles
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Adam Brereton: Olympians Can't Leave Politics At Home