
Brisbane & Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 3 events from 16 July 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Mon 16 July 2012: Brisbane City, Qld
Black History Month Forum on Sovereignty in the 21st Century
Join Tiga Bayles, Ms Mary Graham,
Mr Sam Watson, Mr Les Malezer.
Invitation from ANTaR Qld
Event details:

Event: Tue 17 July 2012: The Gap, Qld
An evening with Dr Chris Sarra
"[Dr Chris Sarra] now heads the Stronger
Smarter Institute, which is transforming Indigenous
education with positive messages of high
expectations, quality relationships and community

WGAR News: "Why only a 'sovereign treaty' can provide justice in constitution reform" M. Anderson

Newsletter date: 2 July 2012

* Michael Anderson: Why only a 'sovereign treaty' can provide justice in constitution reform
* SBS interview with Michael Anderson for NAIDOC Week
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement
* SBS World News: Muckaty nuclear waste case adjourned
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Amnesty: Stronger Futures puts shame to Australia’s human rights record
* Greens Penny Wright: Stronger Futures Legislation Speech
* Greens Scott Ludlam: Speech on the Stronger Futures in the NT Bill

WGAR News: Stronger Futures Petition with 43,000 signatures - audio of petition handover

Newsletter date: 23 June 2012

* Uncle Kevin Buzzacott returns to court to block Olympic Dam expansion
* Background to expansion of Olympic Dam mine challenge
* Stronger Futures Petition with 43,000 signatures official handover - audio
* Arena Magazine: Barbara Shaw: Shifting Fortunes: Mount Nancy
* SBS World News Video: NT Intervention: 'We desperately need housing'
* DARC: NT Aboriginal voices oppose 'Stronger Futures' law
* Arena Magazine Editorial: Jon Altman and Melinda Hinkson: Hope-Less Futures?

Dexamphetamine and ADHD cons - Mental health policies must move from medication to recovery

Gerry Georgatos
"In Western Australia, 1989, 880 people were prescribed stimulant medication (for ADHD). By the year 2000 this had increased to 20,648, with the WA Health Department estimating 18,000 prescriptions having been issued to children. By 2002 WA prescription rates were amongst the highest in the world, exceeding the US national average,” said Martin Whitely.


Malcolm Fraser writes Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison have nothing to be proud about in their race to the bottom of the barrel

From occasional commentator and former PM, Malcom Fraser, via

The Coalition's latest asylum seeker plan is inhumane and lacks integrity.

TONY Abbott and Scott Morrison recently stood in front of Australia and proudly presented the Coalition's plan to ''ensure integrity and restore confidence in refugee assessment''. There is not much to be proud about in this policy. The announcement was based on misinformed and misleading information that plays straight into the unfounded public fear of asylum seekers.

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 19 events from 17 June 2012

Newsletter date: 17 June 2012

Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia
- 19 events from 17 June 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 4 May - 8 July 2012: Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW
Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud
Photographs by Jagath Dheerasekara
Curated by Sandy Edwards
Head On Photo Festival
""The photographs are excellent. They are a moving
portrayal of Aboriginal Australia that all Australians
aught to know about on an issue that wont go away."
- John Pilger, Writer and Filmmaker, January 2012"

Hazara refugee threatens to sue ABC over Four Corners story

by: Paul Maley, National Security Correspondent
From: The Australian June 14, 2012
A HAZARA refugee named on the ABC's Four Corners program as an "agent" of people-smugglers is threatening legal action against the national broadcaster unless an apology is issued and the "defamatory" claims withdrawn.

Medhi Rezaiee was named as collecting a payment on behalf of his brother, Mohammed Ali, as part of a Four Corners program into people-smuggling activities in Australia.

Human Rights Alliance media release - The Australian Government is lying - they told me they knew, and face to face

The piecemeal release of a score of Indonesian children from adult prisons is not enough

Another four children have been released from Australian adult prisons, following the three children released several weeks back, and therefore they were wrongly convicted. It is good they are going home to their families.

Country regions right behind the renters rights revolution – now a national movement

Gerry Georgatos
Renters Alliance (RA) WA coordinator Lea Keenan said that every week now Blackwood residents, renters and some who are home owners, are joining the movement and "are motivated for a united pursuance for legislation to make life fair for everyone."

Rally – August 15 – WA State Parliament – Rallies Australia-wide – October 16 – every capital city and many towns.


WGAR News: Audio from the 'Litigating the Boundaries of Sovereignty' symposium

Newsletter date: 5 June 2012

* Sovereign Union: Sovereignty Conference 2012 - Sound & Pictures
* CAAMA: Academic takes look at legal implications of sovereignty
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement
* Congress: Congress tells PM: Native Title is not real land rights
* AHRC: The promise of Mabo is yet to be realised
* National Indigenous Times: Celebrating Mabo
* Congress: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Languages
* Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools