Northern Territory

Aboriginal people brief Barack Obama before he meets Prime Minister Kevin Rudd

Aboriginal people from many parts of Australia, including the Northern Territory homelands, are expressing their strong opposition to their treatment by the Australian Government in statements sent to President Obama this week. Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, a Traditional Owner of Elcho Island said "I am writing to you as a fellow black citizen of the world, to express my concerns about Australian Government policy, both past and present, which has suppressed Aboriginal culture, languages, land, law and its people since invasion over 200 years ago."


Ranger uranium mine contaminating Kakadu

The Ranger Uranium Mine in Kakadu is leaking 100,000 litres of contaminated water from the tailings dam everyday, according to the Commonwealth supervising scientist, Alan Hughes.

Uranium tailings are the residues from the mining process and contain around 80 per cent of the radioactivity of the original ore. According to the Australian Conservation Foundation they pose a long term hazard to humans, animals and plants.
